
I finally remembered the password - Ivar


I have an amazing friend, @LoStInSpAcE 
          Some of you may know her as Betty, some may not know her at all. But she is absolutely wonderful and amazing and an all around great human being. But she and her siblings need help. 
          They have been manipulated and mentally and physically abused by their mother for years and years. Their mother has full custody over them but she shouldnt have custody over anything. She constantly beats them, tortures them and makes their lives miserable. They have a gofundme. They are trying to raise money to get them all out of that home. They need your help. 
          If you are like me and are too young to have any money to donate to them, go show it to am adult, post it on your message board, tweet it, post about it on Instagram, I dont care what you do, but please spread awareness to these wonderful peoples suffering. Please please please please dont turn a blind eye away form this. 
          Dont let these children wake up in the morning and wonder if they are gonna live long enough to fall asleep that night. They need our help. For the love of god, please, please please please do whatever you can. I am begging you, as your friend and as your lead time nugget


Can we create a reading list that has all the books that the people who share this account have written? I didn't wanna like do it without anyone being like- wtf did that. - @agent_Maddie


@12345isforlife Yeah ask Dboy bc if we just let ppl in without having people know it could get chaotic


@12345isforlife I'd be fine with it although I don't know what the rules/requirements are, if there are any. You should ask Dboy in a DM.


@TogetherUnited can I join with my main @A1mbot_R ? I have a few stories on there