
Hey everybody, I apologize for the most recent chapter of Nemesis to All being so late, I had to get my wisdom teeth removed, all four. I thought I'd have some time to write but it's hard to think with icepacks and pain in your mouth. Either way, I hope you enjoy the most recent chapter! Let me know if my writing style can use any touch-ups (I feel like I repeat certain keywords too many times), and don't worry about those waiting for other books, the wrapping up for Nemesis to All is soon at hand. I can't wait to show you all the ideas I have for my other books.


@Toilet_Watur been there, had mine removed a couple months ago. Its hell for a while because you cant really eat food food, so you get kinda depressed. Also I advise getting noodles and pudding


Hey everybody, I apologize for the most recent chapter of Nemesis to All being so late, I had to get my wisdom teeth removed, all four. I thought I'd have some time to write but it's hard to think with icepacks and pain in your mouth. Either way, I hope you enjoy the most recent chapter! Let me know if my writing style can use any touch-ups (I feel like I repeat certain keywords too many times), and don't worry about those waiting for other books, the wrapping up for Nemesis to All is soon at hand. I can't wait to show you all the ideas I have for my other books.


@Toilet_Watur been there, had mine removed a couple months ago. Its hell for a while because you cant really eat food food, so you get kinda depressed. Also I advise getting noodles and pudding


Hey, I just found out about your account through Extinction Event and I was wondering if you are still currently updating it, or if you’re focusing on other books rn?


@GodlyDude19 Thanks a bunch man! I really appreciate it!


@Toilet_Watur  Definitely one of the better stories i’ve read on this site, so i’m quiet excited to see how you progress the story. Of course we need more best girl Miruko moments, was there even any need to ask? Also i’m just about to get to reading Nemesis To All as well since i really enjoyed the way you write!


@GodlyDude19  Oh hey man! I left on one of my other convos not too long ago that I'd be focusing on Nemesis To All until it's finished (there are maybe a couple of chapters left), and then I'll get back to working on the others. Speaking of, I've got some really good ideas for where to take Extinction Event. How are you liking it so far? Do we need more Miruko best-girl moments?


Also, Idk if its just that I haven't been on Wattpad in a while but my crap is glitching out like crazy, like there are no more little orange dots next to my notifications or nothing. Maybe its just that my computer can't compute Wattpad or what, but its the little things that are odd for me.


Holy Guacamole, will you look at the time.
          Hey everyone! It's been waaayyyyy too long.
          I've delivered you a Nemesis to All chapter that is way too overdue. If you've stuck to it long enough, I hope you can see my improvement as a writer. Being my first "book" I've ever written (I haven't done anything like this before), it's going to have a decent amount of mistakes. I just want to say thank you to those who have stuck around for the whole journey.
          Now, as to why I haven't written in so long. School's been giving me the 1-2 with AP classes and all, along with having barely any time to write when I got home. Going to the gym and my other hobbies took precedence over writing, sadly. Thankfully now, my racing season is over, along with my hockey season ending, so I should have a lot more time to formulate my stories and write them.
          I won't keep this too long, but do you think I should do an overall review of "Nemesis to All"? Like, changing the title, certain chapters, etc. I know I probably ask that a lot, I just want to give you guys the best experience.
          Overall, I'm glad to be back. I also joined this teen writers guild in school that might take up a decent chunk of my writing time, but I'm hoping to finish "Nemesis to All" very soon, which is why some of my other books will be put to the back for now.
          Thank you once again for allowing me to be your writer. I read all of your comments, luv u guys <3


@Toilet_Watur Honestly, you're doing better than most writers on Wattpad by simply addressing the fact that there was a big gap in chapters, 90% of writers would just act like nothing happened.


So my first half or so chapters needed grammar checks badly. Something I realize is:
          For some reason I think towards sounds the same as toward, that had to be the most spellcheck. Also, I include "had" in moments that didn't need it.
          Also, thank god Grammarly is a thing. Definitely, something you want to get if you want to get into writing, it'll save your ass. 
          Don't know how you guys read through some of the confusing stuff, but thanks for sticking around. My writing evolves every week (I think), so more, better content should be pumped out with my advancing (but still needs a lot of work) writing skills.


A quarter of the way done the chapter for dbd, but holy hell they're going to be adding alien!
          Also, I believe I need to go through my chapter for nemesis to all again. It has come to my attention that there are a lot of spellchecks, and personally, for me spellcheck can make or breaks books if there is a lot of them. So don't be alarmed if you see it updating or anything.


Geez, I finally got out of the chapter. Sorry everyone, rough week with work and the heat and all that. I hope the chapter doesn't seem rushed or anything, always open to someone telling me if I messed up somewhere and what I can fix. Anyway, I'll be working on the next DBD chapter for a while if I want it as long as the first chapter.
          As for the poll thing I tried doing, I only got one vote lol (Thank you to the one person, big preesh). I realize I'm probably going to have to wait to do polls until it the book gets more traction. All I see for DBD out there anyone is one shots so we'll have to see where it goes.
          Stay hydrated out there folks, its getting rough. <3


Just got the chapter out for this week. Just a heads up, I'm probably going to go through some of the chapters and cut stuff from other author notes, just because some of them seem unnecessary now. Also, thanks for sticking with me so long. Since this is the first book I've ever written like this, some of the early chapters are either inconsistent, or packed with too many memes, or something of the like. I hope there is a visible improvement in my writing, but if you like what is happening so far, that's cool all the same. I'll be putting this little notice on my community tab as well, probably adding some more description to the title of the book or something as well.
          As always, if you think there is something I can work on, responses are always helpful. Peace <3


Hey everyone! Back from vacation!
          The power literally went out the last couple of days we were at the rental house, so I guess it gave me a bunch of time to write the story on my phone. And here it is! "Shot in the Dark: a Dead By Daylight X Male Reader"! I finally got what I wanted down on the paper, and I hope you enjoy it.
          Once you read the chapter, you'll immediately tell there are a lot more words I have in it than my usual 3k word range. This is because I want to try to have longer chapters that encompass all that is needed so I'm not leaving out any details. This of course means it will take longer for these certain chapters to get out, but this is where my plan comes in.
          You, the reader, will be able to choose the next killer (Y/N) goes up against! I've always wanted to include the community in one of my books, and I thought this was the best way of doing it! So here we are: Two weeks to vote for the next killer!
          The Link for that is here:
          (Hopefully, it works right, I'm pretty sure I did it right).
          Either way, the two weeks will allow me to get chapters for my other books out, and then boom! Everything should hopefully fall into place.
          Yet since these chapters are longer, I usually proofread before I publish, but if there is something I miss or detail is left out that I need to include, or certain things don't make sense, let me know! The help is always appreciated.


@Toilet_Watur so true, I'm loving what BHVR has done with Nick Cage. 


Also I just realized, Nick Cage is in the game now? I'm debating on getting back into it, though if you've played DBD you know how toxic it is. Even still it would be funny to have a chapter including him, and a hell ton of quotes.