
Hey, it's Creepaz0id!  I changed my username on here to match my new alias on all my other social media profiles.  
          	I've been quiet for over a year and I'm well aware that many of my followers may not even remember me, but I'm hoping to start posting again sometime soon.  I've had some awful writers block for almost 2 years, and I'm finally starting to get over it.  I think I just needed a long break.
          	Hope this makes it clear that I am, in fact, still alive!


Hey, it's Creepaz0id!  I changed my username on here to match my new alias on all my other social media profiles.  
          I've been quiet for over a year and I'm well aware that many of my followers may not even remember me, but I'm hoping to start posting again sometime soon.  I've had some awful writers block for almost 2 years, and I'm finally starting to get over it.  I think I just needed a long break.
          Hope this makes it clear that I am, in fact, still alive!


Sorry for my disappearance off of the face of the earth but things are happening IRL and I haven't gotten any time to write on here recently.  Someday I'll try and recover my old schedule but for now, uploads are random, no schedule at all unfortunately.  School complications, work on my FNF mod and non-Wattpad projects, etc.  It's complicated.
          I've been contemplating rebooting TAOTMT entirely if I do plan on continuing it; this would mean a full rewrite for each of the existing additions, with potential plot changes and character tweaks.  No promises as to WHEN this will happen, but in order for TAOTMT to live on, it's gotta happen eventually; the old stuff isn't up to my current standards for my own writing.


Alright so another update, I'm sorry for the inactivity.
          My sister is positive with COVID-19 and has been in close contact with my mother, who is in close contact with me and the rest of my family on a daily basis, since we're in the same house.  None of us (apart from the aforementioned sister) have gotten a chance to get tested yet, as we're having trouble finding places that aren't too busy to fit us in without an appointment.  My mother and my other sister (not the one mentioned previously who is my oldest sister, this one's my second oldest) have shown mild symptoms so we have our concerns about the future, but regardless of what the future holds, we'll be in it together.  If one of us gets it, all of us will inevitably.  The good news is that my parents are vaccinated at least, so if they get it they'll probably be alright.  I'm certain things will turn out okay, god is good and I believe that there will be a rainbow after this storm as long as we hold on and wait for it.
          In the meantime, I have something I've been excited to finally share with the public for three days short of 11 months now (the 7th will mark 11 months since I first started working on this project).  I've been working on a Friday Night Funkin' mod for one of my properties, The Dano Dino Show, which I am aware has seemingly vanished from my wattpad; this is because of MASSIVE changes to the concept, pretty much a complete reboot of the universe.  It'll be released in the form of mini-comics rather than written stories on Wattpad like most of my works.  
          On the topic of the mod, it's been a huge learning experience and a passion project.  It's not done of course, somewhat far from it, but I felt that it was in a playable state now, so I released a demo with 7 playable weeks (with a planned total of 10 in the full version).  I really hope you'll all consider checking it out;


Hahaha okay so like remember when I actually posted things?  Yeah my ADHD brain decided to be like "we don't do that here"
          But I am ALIVE!  And I bring you this, which I quickly threw together as a reminder of how very alive I am!

          No new content apart from the brand new cover art and description, but it's at least my way of letting you know that I AM still making content, not just for TAOTMT, but for all my ongoing projects and then some.  I've just been struggling with motivation and developing a stable schedule; the past year, almost two, took a toll on us all, myself and my family included.  Things are different, but we're still standing, and we'll emerge from this chaos stronger than ever.  I'm doing my best to try and get something out to you guys, but I can't give any promises for a release date or further details of what it even is.  All I can say is, sooner or later, things are coming.
          To those who still follow me, thank you for sticking around despite my recent inactivity!  You're all a blessing!


            Glad to know that you and your family are doing alright! I was beginning to think that something happened to you; and in which I was worried! Also it's alright for not posting much, as long as you're alright I think that'll be better that just a new stories/chapters!


I'm just gonna put this out there:  I have no solid upload schedule!!  I know this should change, but for my own mental health, I can't force myself to sit down and write when I'm not feeling up to it.  I write when I feel motivated to write, and it varies which projects I write for in those moments of motivation.  Sometimes I randomly feel motivated to write Modern Monsters, other times I feel motivated to write TAOTMT or At Your Service, or any of my other works.  I can't predict how I'll feel.
          The reason I bring this up is because I've been feeling motivated to write for Seatail as of late.  Not just continue it, though; I've spotted a lot of errors, inconsistencies, and overall flaws in the 2019 version, so I figure that a new year can mark a new Seatail!  I'll be keeping the name, logo, art style, characters and setting.  However, the overall plot needs to be further expanded on and overall changed for the better, so I'll definitely be doing that.  If I were you (if you care I mean), I'd read the current version ASAP if you haven't already, as it'll be unpublished in the near future so I can work on remaking it.


Okay I know it's been over a month since I made my last post here but I promise you I am still writing!  It just seems that it's taking longer than expected due to personal reasons...  Just know that I am not dead, and I am making progress on my works!


That’s OK I hope you’re doing well merry Christmas bingus!! 


Okay, it's been quite some time since I've been active here.  Allow me to fix that!
          First of all, a quick update on how I'm doing!
          I'm still alive!  That's always a good thing!  Life has been a bit stressful lately...  Okay, a lot more than a bit.  Mostly due to online school.  However, next week I'll be starting at a brand new school, and I'll actually be going to the building, which is a big improvement!  With more of a solid school routine in place, I should be able to get my writing schedule back on track as well, and I'll be much less stressed.  Expect activity here in the coming weeks!
          Now, for an update on my writing!
          Although I haven't posted since September, I have improved quite a lot; more than I expected.  I'm getting better on a daily basis, and I'm just about ready to get back to posting regularly again!  A lot of my works are still on hold in favor of others, but here are some that will be getting some extra attention in the next few weeks:
          -The Adventures of the Misfit Tubbies!  Series 2 Addition 1 is nearly complete!
          -Modern Monsters!  Due to Corbea getting a new voice actor in the narration series, the first one was deleted and will be re-uploaded with new voice lines soon.  Plus, a sixth story is still in the works!
          -At Your Service!  Although it's not being updated consistently, it's always developing, and the universe has expanded far beyond the original concept.  Expect some exciting stuff from this one!!
          Overall, I've been doing pretty good, although a little stressed.  I hope you're all doing good as well!!  Oh-  And don't mind the icon change, ADHD has pulled me into another hyperfixation, it's great like that, haha...


Good job bingus! Have a good day, LuLu! /p /gen


SO I have been very inactive oops
          This WON'T last forever!!  I'm still working on all of my stuff, including TAOTMT and the Modern Monsters narration, it's just been going so slow, ugh.  Online school SUCKS.  I would much prefer in-person classes but my school is making me do all of MP1 virtually because I'm awaiting out-of-district placement, AKA a new school.  It's a massive pain and very, very stressful.  I've been focused on trying (and failing) to stay up-to-date on my assignments so I have not been able to work on my personal projects a lot.  I promise that I am not dead, none of my projects are dead, and there will be new stuff coming soon.  I just need time.


So due to delays (and my bday on the 23rd!), the release of the second Modern Monsters narration is being delayed to at least the 24th.  It's basically 80% edited, but I've been busy lately and haven't been able to put the finishing touches on it just yet...  My apologies!!