
I finally posted all of my story, I compleatly forgot that I was putting it on here, so thats wy it took so long to do. Also my mental state hasnt gotten any better, I reacently found out that I fit all the symptomes of clinical depression, and because of that, now I know why my back has been hurting for so long for no reason.


@Torin_Stuff I'm sorry about that. I hope you feel better soon... <3


I finally posted all of my story, I compleatly forgot that I was putting it on here, so thats wy it took so long to do. Also my mental state hasnt gotten any better, I reacently found out that I fit all the symptomes of clinical depression, and because of that, now I know why my back has been hurting for so long for no reason.


@Torin_Stuff I'm sorry about that. I hope you feel better soon... <3


Sorry if I'm not doing anything on Wattpad right now, my phone locked me out of it so now no matter what I can't use it for a while, and I'm pretty hoked up on my story, I have to finish it by the dead line and that's stressing me out, I also have a life outside of Wattpad so I have family issues as well, cutting my time one  Wattpad down, I also have friends that I like to have fun with to cool down and release stress, I'm also really hooked on my new game cult of the lamb, so that's also reducing the time I spend on Wattpad.


I'm going to be posting a story on here that I'm working on in LA right now.


But im in school right now


Doubt I will but I'll try to make it good. And it will probably take a while to complete.


@Torin_Stuff I hope you get a lot of likes on your story I will be supporting :D


It was nice while it lasted:)


@Torin_Stuff I want to know why I will be hearing from your dad soon?


Surprisingly, my friends on wattpad and other people on this website that I talk to have made life a little better. If it weren't for wattpad and my friends, then I would be dead.