
Hello! It has been a while, but I have a nice long chapter for you all. I wish I could have gotten this out by Halloween, but Thanksgiving is close enough :). Thank you all for your continued support and reading my works. You all have inspired me to work on something outside of fanfiction. So while I write this, I am also working on writing a novel as well. Thank you all for the Inspiration and support. I hope you have ad a wonderful life thus far! Love you all,
          	Traditional Twist


Hello! It has been a while, but I have a nice long chapter for you all. I wish I could have gotten this out by Halloween, but Thanksgiving is close enough :). Thank you all for your continued support and reading my works. You all have inspired me to work on something outside of fanfiction. So while I write this, I am also working on writing a novel as well. Thank you all for the Inspiration and support. I hope you have ad a wonderful life thus far! Love you all,
          Traditional Twist


8 months ago, I started writing. I completed one novel length fanfiction (The Great Chatsby) and immediatly began the second novel length fic (Things Hidden). I am so amazed that with in such a short period of time I could complete so much. I feel I can begin focusing on my own fully original works and complete something!


Hello!!!! First Thank you all for following me. I wanted to let you all know I posted the end to Things hidden. That novel is complete. 276 pages later... OMG! Done! Thanks for reading my story. I appreciate it. I am excited to now focus my time on my own personal writings and 9th life.  Please let me know what you think :) Love you all