
(( Okay, seriously people. No one wants to see your public Roleplay Procreation!!!! If you want to have Roleplay sex, Go ahead, But seriously!  Take it to private messaging! I've been going through my news feed today, and I just keep seeing these two -won't name who- publicly roleplaying sex on a book. I don't care that you have a guy sticking his face in your god damned fugly loose pussy! No one cares! Take it to PM!!! Please! Its gross to see, its awkward in general,  and it ruins your reputation,  especially as a roleplayer! 
          	So please, all I ask, is seriously,  BRING IT TO PRIVATE MESSAGE ALREADY! ))
          	~yours truly, 
          	              Disgusted Admin.


Soaring across the sky, the loud screech of an absolutely massive black bird flying through the sky could be spotted. It would be something Taren had never witnessed before, something so foreign, so unique that most wouldn't be able to resist curiosity of wondering what it was. 
          It was so massive that it almost looked like a feathered dragon, so standoutish that it was almost impossible not to spot. 
          Its wings spanned the the sky in a size so big that it almost seemed impossible. 
          Upon this beasts back, was something white. It was pale, and unidentifiable from their position in the sky, but it almost seemed like it might be a package, or a rider, yet it was so pale it almost seemed like a... cloud?
          Every flap of the birds wings would create such a heavy current of air that it'd give a slight breeze through the tops of the trees, the exact place that Etoré, the rider, was scanning with his black orbs for eyes, to find the telltale red cloak of his target. 


            Dragh's intentions were easily understood when her spread wings remained spread, and her dive from high in the sky angled in a manner so that soon her wings first shaved the tops of the thick trees, but very quickly turned to crashing further in, where the trunks grew thick and sturdy. The trees screamed loud with the pulverizing of wood as they gave way to the sheer weight of the massive beast; she was causing this destruction purposefully. She was trying to harm the girl in the red hood. Her deathly eyes, fixated directly onto her, almost taunting her, knowing she wouldn't dare make a move on an animal, and she didn't care which Taren was the real and which the fraud. Dragh was undoubtedly being bombarded with the shrapnel of the trees, and a strange liquid, only assumed to be blood, slicked off her black feathers with each wound, yet she'd do as commanded. She was the servant of Etoré. 
            "Taren," a thickly accented voice sounded, pronouncing her name the best he could in spite of the accent, "Save yourself the trouble". 
            The inhuman voice sounded, rumbling low and bouncing between the trees. It would likely go unquestioned that it belonged to the pale, cloaked humanoid who steadily approached from above in the tree tops. Yet where did the sound come from? From what one could see, he had no mouth, at least from their distance. 
            "We might sparre you, if you give what we want." his voice was sly and his very demeanor was almost merciless. 
            He wanted that plasma. A weapon of such potential, he needed it, desired it, and he would do anything to get it into his hands. In reality, he had no intentions of sparing this half Hiban girl. She was a filthy hybrid as it was. She did not deserve to live on, he thought. 
            He wouldn't so much as flinch when the sound of the bird crashing through the dense forest began. He trusted that he would be safe. 
            Protective shield [3] Medium sized projectiles can no longer pass through the clear dome around him. 


            If Taren were on speaking terms with either invader, she would have admitted that they were intimidating her (not that her hood-covered face would show it). The assault upon her ears almost stunh.  And imminent assault on her body  heightened the sense of dread that had only been steadily increasing since their arrival. 
            Her hands shook. Her feet kept sure. The bird would notice the figure in the red hood leaping up higher to evade the crashing. Etoré would see the opposite with the true body. Uncaptureable by ordinary eyes, she was indeed. But in her descent, she realized that Etoré wasn't minding the projections. Relieving herself of invisibility would become less taxing on her body, and so that's what she did when her bare feet hit the ground. 
            Glancing upwards, she had fear in her blue eyes, though her face remained rigid. Her challenge was clear, though. Plasma continued to flow into her weapon, as well as the illusionary weapons of her illusions. The illusion Etore had passed quickly approached her creator, perhaps to give the bird above confusion.
            Scythe [2] - More plasma is being used to add to it.


            Etoré's eyes never met with the supposed female in front of him, he saw right through her, like a mere projection of consciousness. Like she was only a mirage or reflection. It was not what he was looking for. Taren, is what he was looking for. 
            In an almost lithe sort of movement, the creature had bent his knees, and shot straight up, in a tremendously high jump towards the first avaliable branch, grasping it to swing himself up onto it.
             The closer he seemed to get, the more sense of dread Taren would get from him and the air surrounding him. He'd go on without much attention given to the illusion, now stepping a foot infront of the other and walking along the branch. His balance seemed unchallenged, perfect, almost. 
            Meanwhile, Dragh's attention would instantly befall on the Taren that destroyed her projectile, beady red eyes taunting as its long and ununiform beak would part, she she would dive forward. The sound that blasted from the beady eyed beast was nothing like the loud screaches from before. What came now was without arguement, a blood curdling scream of rage from the temperamental animal. It would bring about one more swoop of it's monstrously massive wings, and before one knew it, that beast of a creature which alone stood tall at sixteen feet, was soaring towards the tree line with its dangerously sharp -noted in character sheet- and muscular wings spread, spread in a manner that showed its intentions of crashing through the trees to get at her. This action was risky,  and would likely harm her and the forest, but it was nothing that she couldn't just heal and get over with. Any animal in its right mind, bird or land dwelling, would have potential fled or began to flee from the moment in which this massive beast let out its scream.
            Protective shield [2] The shield forming around Etoré continues to grow stronger. Small projectiles can no longer pass through the shield. 


(( Okay, seriously people. No one wants to see your public Roleplay Procreation!!!! If you want to have Roleplay sex, Go ahead, But seriously!  Take it to private messaging! I've been going through my news feed today, and I just keep seeing these two -won't name who- publicly roleplaying sex on a book. I don't care that you have a guy sticking his face in your god damned fugly loose pussy! No one cares! Take it to PM!!! Please! Its gross to see, its awkward in general,  and it ruins your reputation,  especially as a roleplayer! 
          So please, all I ask, is seriously,  BRING IT TO PRIVATE MESSAGE ALREADY! ))
          ~yours truly, 
                        Disgusted Admin.


Konrad been walking for some great number of minutes, and was making his way through the forest. His stride wasn't very large, however he quickly paced along, lifting his feet just barely high enough to avoid tripping over any roots that may run across the ground. His hands were in the pockets of his hoodie, and his head drooped downward out of habit. His eyes were downcast, yet looked at what was ahead.
          He payed little attention to the wildlife, and the same went for most of the noise they made. He didn't feel any reason to, however there was something soon enough that he would pay attention to. A "hello" from above.
          Konrad tilted his head upward, and gave back his own "Hello." He wasn't the most confident in opening conversation, but he felt as though he may as well have tried. 
          "I see you're up in a tree." Better than nothing.


In Konrad's mind, a single profane utterance rang quite loudly, an utterance spelled with four English letters and is often used by vulgar individuals to describe the act of coitus. He had went over someone's head again, a problem he had when describing some of his ideas to others who didn't share the same obsessions as he. 
            "Well, when the glove moves around, the blue lines running up and down it have shocks sent through them, brought on by the rectangle on the back." He made sure to speak clear, and slow. Not as slow as if he was talking to a young child, but rather just slow enough to hopefully explain why she had to be careful with the glove in plain terms. With his right hand bare, he lifted it up to scratch the top of his head, slightly frustrated at himself.


            Taren would drop her hand down from examining the odd glove, turning to look at him with an extremely confused look on her face. 
            "...What?", it was clear and obvious from the look on her face, that almost everything he had just said, and tried to explain,  was complete and utter jibberish to her.


            At the swipe, Konrad would've initially pulled the glove and both of his hands back, practically jumping since he didn't expect her to do that. However in practically no time at all, he would just hand it to her, thinking to himself, "Oh, she's probably just curious." He had no objection really, however he did have to give a warning as he handed it over to her. 
            "Careful for the blue terminals running across it. That rectangular block generates power through an adapted accelerometer device I invented. Can provide quite the shock when it's moved around quickly." He would say this, explaining his first statement, and hoping that very first statement would be heard quickly enough for her not to get a current ran through her.
            Figuring she probably wasn't paying very much attention to his name, he figured it unimportant to bring up. Rather, he would continue on with her current fascination with his glove. "Interested in it?"