
Hey Wattpadders, I have some exciting news for you! I've started my own blog where I share my insights, tips and struggles as a writer. If you're curious about what goes on behind the scenes of my stories, or if you want to join a supportive community of fellow writers, then you should definitely check out my profile and read my blog called Life Between the Lines. It's a fun and honest account of my writing journey, and I hope it will inspire you to pursue your own creative dreams. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click on my Works and join me in this adventure!


Hey Wattpadders, I have some exciting news for you! I've started my own blog where I share my insights, tips and struggles as a writer. If you're curious about what goes on behind the scenes of my stories, or if you want to join a supportive community of fellow writers, then you should definitely check out my profile and read my blog called Life Between the Lines. It's a fun and honest account of my writing journey, and I hope it will inspire you to pursue your own creative dreams. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click on my Works and join me in this adventure!


Hello all! 6 days until Valentine's! I'm so excited - though I'll be spending it alone - there's still chocolate. Whether it's bought by me doesn't matter...right? 
          Either way, as usual, I'm here to offer a holiday limited offer! 
          If you have an Instagram account, find mine at @serendipity_bleu and give me a follow. If done before the 14th, I'll read five chapters of one of your works and comment my thoughts! (As well as voting of course) 
          Wish you the best lovies! 


@BushSamaurai53 yes I remember you did! And it's not completely pointless! Well maybe it is if your single - which I am - but I like to romanticize things.


@TruBleuBooks  I'm not doing anything for valentine's day either. I just feel like it's a pointless day. My Instagram is rebelliousbush, I followed you on Instagram.


New Years Eve is Tomorrow everyone!
          Are you excited? Do you have any new aspirations or plans? 
          I know I do. I've got nearly all my calendars full with schedules and goals I'm hoping I'll actually follow this year... :/
          But I have a good feeling about 2023 overall, I've got to say. I think it'll be a great time for the creative souls - Pisces, Cancer, Libra, and Gemini babies, as well as for the more financially worried Virgos, Capricorns and, Taurus's. 
          All the horoscopes I've read are saying that at least. 
          But despite the ones listed, I feel like it'll be a great year for everyone, as long as you stay positive and think optimistically! 
          If anyone wants to chat author stuff, as usual, head to my Instagram page and shoot me a DM, or you can private message me here as well. 
          I love all of you to Neverland and back!


Hello all! 4 days until Christmas! I'm so excited! This is my all time favorite time of year, and even if it's not yours you can't lie and say your not at least a little happy.
          Either way, I'm here to offer a limited offer! 
          If you have an Instagram account, find mine at @serendipity_bleu and give me a follow. If done before the 25th, I'll read five chapters of one of your works and comment my thoughts! (As well as voting of course) 
          Love all of you and I hope you do something Christmassy to get you that little bit more excited!  


Hey didn't you had more then 1 story on here or did you always had 1 story I don't fully remember but I believe you had more than 1 story on here did you delete them or something?


@Sapnap1507 oh that was a while ago! But yes, I did have several stories on here, though I've taken them down so I can put out my edited and offical works. I've revised how I'll be using the account recently and that may be why it seems different! 