
What’s that? I just finally got up my first Donnie x reader chapter in the oneshot book? YUP I SURE DID. And WHOO, it took way longer than it should’ve for me to finish that. This summer has not been the vibes for me or my writing :’) But it’s a cute little baking scenario that I’m kinda proud of myself for coming up with, and yes I did cleverly pair it with the song Sugar plus a punny little title to go with the whole theme. Hope you starved Donatello fans enjoy it because I can just tell the Mikey and Donnie scenarios are gonna be a challenge for me going forward with this book :D Just be warned, I barely skimmed back over it for typos and mistakes yet so if there’s a glaringly obvious and embarrassing one you catch feel free to point it out to me lol. With all the stuff I’m dealing with this whole summer I ended up rushing this chapter a lot more than usually would so if the writing style seems off or different, it’s not just you imagining it lol 
          	~ Kiara <3 


What’s that? I just finally got up my first Donnie x reader chapter in the oneshot book? YUP I SURE DID. And WHOO, it took way longer than it should’ve for me to finish that. This summer has not been the vibes for me or my writing :’) But it’s a cute little baking scenario that I’m kinda proud of myself for coming up with, and yes I did cleverly pair it with the song Sugar plus a punny little title to go with the whole theme. Hope you starved Donatello fans enjoy it because I can just tell the Mikey and Donnie scenarios are gonna be a challenge for me going forward with this book :D Just be warned, I barely skimmed back over it for typos and mistakes yet so if there’s a glaringly obvious and embarrassing one you catch feel free to point it out to me lol. With all the stuff I’m dealing with this whole summer I ended up rushing this chapter a lot more than usually would so if the writing style seems off or different, it’s not just you imagining it lol 
          ~ Kiara <3 


Girlllll 6 more followers for 1k!! ♡ 


I know it’s crazyyyyyyyy


Hey, guys. Thank you guys so much for the love towards my last update! I’m glad you liked it so much, it’s kind of a transition chapter into the next arc which I’m sooo excited for. And shoutout to @Nacatu for introducing me to the song I used for this chapter. I was obsessedly reading Woven literally four whole years ago and me being the music geek I am, the song from her chapter 14 has been a favorite of mine since, same as the fic! It’s just so perfect for a Leo x reader dynamic and I can’t get enough of it. 
          It’s a crazy time of year so I hope everyone’s hanging in there. I’m just now getting to relax after my life decided to blow up on me in the past couple months lol. The first half of the semester was so great so I guess the second half wanted to make up for it and kick my ass in every aspect of my life. 
          Even though my last day of school was like two weeks ago I feel like I’ve been going nonstop since then which kind of sucks, because half of the stuff I’m spending so much time handling is really just the different companies I’m relying on being completely incompetent and unreliable, and it’s like I have to pull teeth just to get them to do their basic job. Then the other half is completely new stuff that decided to inconveniently pop up at the worst time and all of it is taking forever to resolve. Plus I found out I’ve been having seizures in my sleep for over a year so that’s been a whole other thing of sudden doctor’s appointments and adjusting other things. 
          But despite all this I really am doing well and I’m much happier now that my summer break’s actually starting and I think it’s the first one where I don’t actually have anything I have to do other than working, so my plan is to spend the whole summer working on my personal goals and projects and also preparing for my senior year while I have the time. 
          Let me know how you guys are doing for those who also want to vent lol


@Nacatu yeah it’s been a whole process but with the safety adjustments I’m making and medicine I’m taking I’m sure I’ll be fine. And thanks, I’m hope you’re doing well too! 
            Also, being the music geek and performer I am I definitely hyper fixate on songs the way I do tv shows and ninja turtles so that particular one really stuck with me lol. I think you might’ve also used If You Love Me by Brenda Lee? I really love that one too, so you’ve given me a musical core memory or two over the years ;)


I’m sorry to hear about the seizures, that sounds so scary, but I’m glad you’re on top of it now. And I’m glad you’re doing well all things considered 
            Also! I had no idea that song became a favourite of yours!! I just listened to it again and it is def a blast from the past lol


@TrueLeaderInBlue I’m so curious to know what the song is  especially since I’m currently reading Woven for the first time! :D


          Lol anyway go get your food ya filthy animals y’all deserve it and honestly I deserve this relief after spending so much agonizing time over this just because life decide to be a bitch to me while I was writing it :) But please PLEASE give me some love for this latest update I need to know your thoughts on second half at least and if you enjoyed it ;) 
          I’m posting another message again tomorrow to check in with you guys and catch up for anyone who wants to but for now I leave anyone who’s still awake or actually in a time zone of daylight with my latest chapter <3 U
          Until tomorrow! 
          ~ Kiara 


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Sorry babes, I missed another year of my own account’s anniversary lol. I’m starting to realize that the beginning of May whether in high school or college really just turns out to be shit timing for anyone to do anything ever :’) But no worries! I’ve been working my bitt off on this new chapter at every chance and it WILL be up tomorrow during Monday afternoon. I swear I’m thiiiiis close to finishing, but once again I made things hard on my self and turned a simple chapter into a long one lol. But on Monday I’m finishing the last few paragraphs and then it’s finally yours! (Ironically an exact week after I planned to post it and when the account anniversary was haha…) I still find it weird to post on a weekday for the first time, but I’ve kept this chapter hostage long enough and I’m hoping y’all peeps still in school can maybe find some distracting relief in it like I have in the crazy hectic time since I’ve gotten out. 
          I swear this chapter has the least amount going on and it’s literally about to be 17,000 words… I need my college to create a course around how to stop overwriting specifically tailored to me. But seriously, it’s really just the third scene that’s got so much packed into it and believe me yall are in for a treat when you get there… 
          See you tomorrow! 


Yep! Like 4 days ago, I don’t know why you wouldn’t be able to see it though. It’s the chapter from Monday May 13th and it’s called Two and a Half Dates 


@TrueLeaderInBlue wait what did you update?! Nothing is showing for me 


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Sup babes, I’ve missed y’all! <3
          Send me good vibes for an update tomorrow!
          So today was the first time in actual months that I got to come up for air and work on the next chapter that has been so close to being finished this whole time. I haven’t finished it just yet but the flow of writing compared to a month or two ago when I was trying to force myself to finish it in the middle of all the bullshit that was going on in the second half of the semester, is so much better. Like I was so stuck on what I feel is such a simple and easygoing chapter and even though I figured I was having trouble because of everything that was going on with school and being exhausted from two shows back to back, I thought I could shake myself out of. But clearly I was right because now that all the bs is finally over and I know I won’t have to do anything for anyone for the next four months, getting past the parts I kept getting stuck at was so easy. 
          Anyway, little message after being going for so long just to say I plan and really hope to post this new chapter tomorrow on Monday. Which I know is kind of weird because I only like to post on weekends when everyone’s got some time off, but tomorrow is actually the seven year anniversary of this account! So I really wanted to post something for you guys to celebrate, and finally get this next chapter out like I’ve wanted to since March. 
          (Plus I’ve been working my butt off since finals doing delivery in DoorDash since barely this semester has finally caught up to me and today is my last day to make up the money I need before my account is overdrafted when rent comes out :’) But either way, expect an update very soon and get ready to expect my craziness once this nightmare of a weekend is over


@TrueLeaderInBlue join us in discord. My profile is Bakersha1993 


Hope everyone had a nice weekend and a happy Easter!
          Obviously I have not posted this last weekend or this weekend like I so wanted to. Even though the chapter’s so close to finished it’s that time of year where all my classes are starting to pick up at once which wouldn’t be so bad if I hadn’t made the mistake of joining this musical that’s taking up so much time without actually being good at all :’) but I just have to get through these next two weeks and then it’s over, but I still plan to hopefully update this next weekend. Until then, Woven just posted a new chapter so there’s still an awesome new update to read this weekend! 
          Good night peeps, hopefully I’ll see yall again this Saturday!  
          ~ Kiara