
Yep, so I decided to throw another chapter up here this evening.  Going to have a busy schedule for a bit with obligations that are going to take up a little bit of my time.  My plan was to at least get a new chapter out weekly (something I'll still try to do) - but this here is a nice little *gem* I think to put out there to give my readers an idea of what's in store for these two Bay Staters.
          	Enjoy and please comment if you'd like .... I really do enjoy getting the feedback on my "baby" here.  ;-)


@kiabsn no rush in catching up to what is here so far.  Life and work can get busy.  But I sincerely appreciate the feedback and commentary.  It helps me to know that my readers like this enough to comment on what they're reading.


My job continues to cramp my style 


Yep, so I decided to throw another chapter up here this evening.  Going to have a busy schedule for a bit with obligations that are going to take up a little bit of my time.  My plan was to at least get a new chapter out weekly (something I'll still try to do) - but this here is a nice little *gem* I think to put out there to give my readers an idea of what's in store for these two Bay Staters.
          Enjoy and please comment if you'd like .... I really do enjoy getting the feedback on my "baby" here.  ;-)


@kiabsn no rush in catching up to what is here so far.  Life and work can get busy.  But I sincerely appreciate the feedback and commentary.  It helps me to know that my readers like this enough to comment on what they're reading.


My job continues to cramp my style 


Will be posting more chapters soon.  I just keep going back to some of them and editing them or adding onto it.  There soooooooooooooooo much more that I want to publish for you to read .... just needing to fine tune the chapters I've done so far in order to continue onward with the story.  Many thanks to all who have read Life Just Outside The 617 so far.  Much Love.


@Tudee1981 I know where I want my priorities to be and it’s definitely not work. Such a buzzkill!


@kiabsn where are your priorities then?  . Take all the time you need to read it.  I truly appreciate your comments as well with each chapter you read.   You get me girl ☺️


@Elizzzyoung27  -  trying to space ‘em out a bit more as I release them.   But part of me is also excited for you guys to read so much more.   


Just want to say I love your story, I am still reading it and can't stop 


@cookex3000 Thank you soooooooooooooo very much for your lovely comment.  I truly do appreciate that you like it.  Been adding to this story over the past few years whenever I can get some moments and I'm far from wrapping things up with it.   Lots of additional chapters to come between the local couple.


Just a little side note - when I started writing this a few years ago - I opted NOT to put Covid into the story.  This state was just ridiculous during that time and I opted not to acknowledge it in my first fanfic.  So if you're looking at the time line and thinking, "Wait a minute how can that happen during Covid?"  Well it can if the storyteller wishes to exclude it.  ;-)  Happy reading.


@kiabsn it's exactly why I don't want to relieve that time period in this story.  We lost loved ones in 2020 and 2021 due to it.  I'm not wanting to put those traumatic thoughts/experiences into my fanfic.


I don’t blame you and honestly, I think most of us in the world would have opted to NOT have anything to do with Covid in real life either! It was traumatic enough to live through let alone relive it by incorporating the chaos into a story. 


So I've posted 14 chapters so far - - - - and trust me there is so many more to go that I'm trying to decide where to end one chapter and start with the next one to form a rightful pattern with this.  But I truly appreciate all the readers I've gained thus far in my first venture into the fanfic world of Chris Evans.  
          I'm hoping that you guys have liked what you've read so far.  There are many more milestones ahead I already have written and what will be to come for these two locals in love.  Hope you like it.
          With Love From the 978 (that's literally just outside the 617)


@kiabsn I understand that but hey, you got something to look forward too like you said!!


@Tudee1981 I can’t wait!!! ❤️


@Elizzzyoung27 I love it too! I’m just mad that I haven’t had a lot of free time lately so I’m only on chapter 9 but at least it gives me something to look forward to if I do manage to get a few minutes here and there. 


I’m so excited to check out your first story here!! ❤️ proud of you! ☺️


@kiabsn Thank you.  So much more to add to it and then some.  But first baby steps into the Wattpad world.  I'm my worst critic though.  I will probably want to tweak this story a million times over as I go along.  LOL.  Thank you for sharing it to other boards.  Much appreciated :)