
So, I'm trying something new here for voting for BOTM. Here's the link: https://inkyyswp.typeform.com/to/NJ9nfS6P
          	I'm tagging everyone so you all see it. We also have a new member - @monstermakers - you are also welcomed (and encouraged) to vote. 
          	Also, to those who aren't done, let this serve as a 20 hour reminder for time left. 



So, I'm trying something new here for voting for BOTM. Here's the link: https://inkyyswp.typeform.com/to/NJ9nfS6P
          I'm tagging everyone so you all see it. We also have a new member - @monstermakers - you are also welcomed (and encouraged) to vote. 
          Also, to those who aren't done, let this serve as a 20 hour reminder for time left. 