
I have a Tumblr account now! I have the same username there, so if you wanna see me post and reblog lots of random fandom stuff go check it out :3


I figured I should make an announcement about this, as the situation doesn’t really leave room for neutrality. I do not condone the actions Jordan and Isaac have done. I wholeheartedly support Bethany and Cierra and hope that they’re doing well and unlearning all the bad things they were taught growing up. What does this mean for me moving forward? Well, VenturianTale has always had a special place in me heart. I loved it when I was younger, I still love it today. However, I can no longer bring myself to watch the channel as of now and will not be supporting any of the brothers going forward. I’ll still be active in the fandom (e.g. drawing fan art, writing fan fiction), but please note that I will not be watching the channel anymore. I’m waiting for Jordan or Isaac to make a statement on the matter before dropping them completely (everyone has the room to change and become a better person), but who knows if they’ll even address it. To anyone else who has gone through similar situations that the Frye sisters did, I hope that you’ve gotten out of that toxic environment and are doing better. Take care.


I know it might be a bit of a long shot, but I just hope they can make up. While Jordan and Isaac never faced the sexism the girls did growing up, they were still in the same toxic and abusive situation. While that in NO WAY excuses their actions, it is incredibly hard to unlearn ideas and beliefs you’ve been forced upon your entire life. My heart goes out to ALL the Frye’s: the girls, who had to endure the worst of the situation, as well as being disowned; the boys, who haven’t unlearned the negative not-actually-Christian mindset they were brought up in; and Paula— this all has to be a lot for her, and I hope that the family can make up despite their differences.


*Content Warning: Religion *
          Learning about all the things going on behind the scenes relating to VT is genuinely breaking my heart. The Frye’s have always been a huge part of helping me learn who I am, and it hurts that the sisters weren’t given the same chance. I hope Jordan and Isaac unlearn all the bad things they’ve been taught; it ain’t a religion when you’re being forced to follow every little thing to the t and literally not being able to think for yourself or have different opinions than one another. My heart goes out to Bethany, Cierra, and anyone else that’s been disowned because of religion or “religion.”


Things we’ve gotten from the 7 year live stream:
          •Sally and Slenderman are still dating. 
          •Isaac has invented a new form of tag called “Hashtag” where you tag the other players by throwing hash browns at them. 
          •Jordan doesn’t think Lenard will make it into PIE because of the interview process. 
          •If you don’t comment “I’m dancing on the roof” while the song is being sung, you are worth two beans. 
          •They forgot that Colon’s real name was Chris. 
          •We will eventually get a video that will explain who Katrina is... One day.
          •Apparently the play that Billy and Maddie Friend got married actually happened, so basically Billy got tricked into actually marrying Maddie Friend. OR it was a fan fiction that Maddie wrote. It’s up to the viewer to decide. 
          •Colon and Gertrude are Ravenclaws. 
          •Orangs are a powerful deity. 
          •I never knew that a role play could be done with only 5 words in the vocabulary, but boy was I wrong. 
          •If it is cannon, Maxwell would have had to be alive in the 1800s if the line “You died 200 years ago,” is correct. This would put him in the time of the Wild West, which we assumed in the first place. 
          •Gavin just straight up killed Maxwell when he first met him xD
          •Gavin and Maxwell teamed up to take over Acachalla’s home.