
I will update soon. My surgery recovery time is a bitch.


@TwistedGirl85  Peace and Blessings to you with this recovery 


speedy recovery luv ;-)


Hey Sweetie, @TwistedGirl85
          Thank you so much for supporting my book. It truly means so much to me. I know you have a plethora of book to choose from and I'm thankful you've chosen to read mine anyway. I hope you continue to enjoy my books. Trust me, your support doesn't go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. 
          Thank you.
          -Mercedes ❤


I want to respond to everybody but it's kind of a lot of people so I decided to make a post and hope everybody see it. It's been years and for a while I kind of lost my mojo not in depression or anything just creative blankness but I'm back I'm trying to put it all together again. I also plan on updating freedom and bondage and I also started a new book called love chains a BDSM book so I hope you guys enjoy that. Talk to you guys soon or I will I'll write you guys soon. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I know it's been a long time.




Well Im glad your well and back. I look forward to the updates. Will you be posting a schedule of book updates?
            Again glad your back.