
Hi guys!
          	This is going to be a quick message.
          	Sorry for disappearing. I went on a field trip last week, and unfortunately, it's going to take a while before we go home. I can't update without my computer (which is left at home) so I can't get the new chapters out. Don't worry! I'll be back in a week or so and I'll update with all the rewritten chapters as an apology.
          	Love you all!


Hi guys!
          This is going to be a quick message.
          Sorry for disappearing. I went on a field trip last week, and unfortunately, it's going to take a while before we go home. I can't update without my computer (which is left at home) so I can't get the new chapters out. Don't worry! I'll be back in a week or so and I'll update with all the rewritten chapters as an apology.
          Love you all!


Hello Everyone!
          I hope this message finds you well. Today, I wanted to share a personal update regarding my books. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that I have made the decision to temporarily unpublish all of my books, with the exception of 'Sister of Mine'.
          This decision was not made lightly, but due to personal reasons, I feel it is necessary to take some time to reflect and make certain edits to my work. It is my sincere hope that, through this process, I will be able to enhance the stories and deliver a more fulfilling reading experience for all of you.
          I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and understanding during this time. Your encouragement and enthusiasm have meant the world to me, and it is because of you that I am motivated to continue writing and sharing my stories.
          Please know that this is not a permanent farewell to my other books. I am dedicated to refining and improving them, and I will make a decision regarding their future publication once I feel confident that they meet the standards I aspire to.
          In the meantime, 'Sister of Mine' will remain available for you to enjoy, and I hope it brings you joy and entertainment. I will keep you updated on any developments regarding my other works, and I sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support throughout this process.
          Thank you once again for being such amazing readers and supporters. Your understanding and encouragement mean more to me than words can express. I look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future.
          With heartfelt appreciation,


Hello I’m a fellow reader here and I was wondering when your gonna update the Turing red book 


@ArielCabrera0 Thank you for your question. I wanted to inform you that I have made the decision to temporarily unpublished my Turning Red fic for personal reasons. In the future, I will carefully consider whether to continue the story or not. I don't have a specific date for the next update at this time. I genuinely appreciate your understanding and support during this period. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to ask.


Dear Tylletoons,
          Apologies if this is a rude question. I am just wondering if you are still updating on quotev. Also, it has been more than 2 weeks since you last updated Reverse the Hourglass story. Do you have an idea of when you will update or if you won’t. I don’t mind if you wish to abandon this story or any of your other stories, but I would like it to be notified if you are discontinuing it. Please and thank you for reading this message from just a simple tan of your stories. 


@Triste05 Regarding my Turning Red fanfiction, due to personal reasons, I have decided to unpublish it here on Wattpad. Moreover, I am likely to do the same on Quotev once I log in again. In the future, I plan to reread the book and make a decision about whether to continue updating it or not. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. Thank you for your ongoing support! If you have any further questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you once again and take care!


Thank you for your answer. Also, I apologize for my misspelling. I really cannot wait for the next installment of Sister of Mine and if possible, are you going to put your turning red fanfiction on here. If not that is ok, I just wanted to know if I can read it here as well. Thank you so much for responding to my message, I honestly had thought it would go unread with all of your messages from your fans repeating the same questions. You are very well loved after all. 


@Triste05 Apologies for the delayed response. I must inform you that my activity on Quotev has significantly decreased, resulting in slower updates on that platform. To stay more up-to-date with my work, I recommend following me here on Wattpad instead. I am currently more active here and will provide timely updates. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Dear followers,
          I hope this message finds you well. It's been a while since we've last spoken, and I wanted to take a moment to address my absence as an author. As you may have noticed, I have been on hold for the past two years due to a combination of personal and external factors.
          During this time, I've been dealing with a lot of challenges in my life, including school, mental health, and issues related to my sexuality. It's been a long and difficult journey, but I'm happy to say that I've been able to work through many of these struggles and come out stronger on the other side.
          One of the things that I've realized over the past few years is that my self-image was a big source of stress and anxiety for me. I struggled with identifying with my assigned gender, and this caused a lot of confusion and discomfort in my life. However, after some introspection and soul-searching, I've come to terms with who I am and am happy to identify as he/him.
          As I continue to navigate this journey of self-discovery and acceptance, I want to let you know that I am slowly returning to writing and am excited to share my stories with you once again. I appreciate your patience and support during this time, and I hope that you'll continue to follow along with me as I explore new themes and characters in my work.
          Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to connecting with you all again soon.
          Best regards,


It's obviously going to be a while until I get back on my groove but I am currently rereading the drafts and the stories I wrote since I completely forgot most of them, but I am coming back and I will be probably updating the newest chapter of 'Sister of Mine' around 2 weeks from now.
            Lots of love!




@Tylletoons ohhh I've missed you so much, welcome back Tylieee