

Ok, I am back!
          I have been gone for too long.
          I need to start writing... But writer's block is real. Btw Y'all give me ideas for villains pls! My main story will finally start. The official beginning arc will end. sooo help (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


Ya'll know that school can be a nightmare right?  : ) 
          I am in a grade without even realizing that I passed the previous grade. And that is no thx to the pandemic and online class and also quarantine. I hate this so much. I feel dumb im class and now I have to worry about exams.
          Pray for me. Oh my goodness, I can't handle this T~T......


@Tzrosabellastarz When I was younger, I though that school was basically prison with small breaks.. Fun fact: I'm in a year-round school.. Yay...


Hi there!!
          Rose here. 
          I wanted say hopefully I will restart posting again after weeks once again.
          School has been a headache and I couldn't or can't get time to sit on Wattpad to write.
          I also was a bit sick but now I recovered.
          I will try my best to post depending on my situation. 
          And also thanks to my friends on Wattpad to helping on not feeling alone in this awkward situation for me. School is back to online from offline once again. And I hate it! You where very helpful!!!
          Love Rose. 


            Yay, nice to have you back Rose!! 