
I am just going to make this official now. I am deleting Wattpad. It was fun when I first made it when I was 11 years old. I had a great time reading fanfictions and writing my own. But I am 16 now and for me personally I need to leave this little hobby behind. I don't have time for it anymore. No one will probably see this but if you do and you have supported my writing, thanks for being there. 
          	Au revoir my sweets. 


I am just going to make this official now. I am deleting Wattpad. It was fun when I first made it when I was 11 years old. I had a great time reading fanfictions and writing my own. But I am 16 now and for me personally I need to leave this little hobby behind. I don't have time for it anymore. No one will probably see this but if you do and you have supported my writing, thanks for being there. 
          Au revoir my sweets. 


Hey y'all. What's up? Reply to this post and tell me how you've been. I want to know. ^-^ aaanyway, I've been in a long af writers block, I've had no motivation or ideas. BUT I plan to try to change that. This spring/summer, I am going to work on myself, doing things such as getting my lungs back into excersising, since I have asthma so I have to move slower than a usual person. :P and I'm gonna try to improve my mental health in the process and having a good, active mind may get my motivation back! I hope to post more once I'm ready. I hope you all are doing good! Love you all. ❤️❤️


Hey guys! I just posted chapter one of a Harry Potter fanfiction I am writing called Fred Weasley x Reader and I would appreciate if you could check it out and tell me if it's good and if you have any suggestions about what I could or should change then I would like to know. Thanks in advance!


Hey everyone. I just edited chapter one of my first Paelen and Emily fanfiction so if you guys could check it out and tell me if there is anything else I should do to make it better before i edit the other's. Your guys' support is really appreciated. Thanks.