
The people storming DC are terrorists.Look up the definition and compare it to them if you want.They are terrorists.This is an attack to our democracy.They need to leave DC right now.They need to be charged.Yes in America we have the right to protest but we do not have to right to storm a capital building or riot.This is a federal crime!!


The people storming DC are terrorists.Look up the definition and compare it to them if you want.They are terrorists.This is an attack to our democracy.They need to leave DC right now.They need to be charged.Yes in America we have the right to protest but we do not have to right to storm a capital building or riot.This is a federal crime!!


So Tr*mp is a Facist we all know this.In WW2 America was on the Allied Powers the other main members being China Uk USSR France and Canada.The Allies went up against the Axis Powers the main being N@zi Germany The Japanese empire and FACIST Italy.So if Trumpets are so pro America why do they support a facist when we literally were in a war with someone because they were Facist?!?!