
Hi there everyone! I hope this message finds you well! I will be releasing chapter’s of my next novel “Bound By Blood”. It is a vampire romance novel inspired by some of your favorite supernatural shows. The story is still in editing, and is not finished. Your kind responses and comments, having inspired me to pick back up this hobby.  I hope you all are doing well and are looking forward to my next little treasure trove.


reading rn yessss


I just finished "No Saints Here" and can't stop crying about not being able to read it for the first time all over again. It's truly a piece of art and please publish it as paperback because goddamn it's the best. I've never been a fan of  slow burn but this book was great. I loved it!!!! I wish you the best!!!!


This is the best novel I have read on Wattpad (and I’ve read almost 200). I feel I can walk into a bookstore and this be on the best sellers list. Your writing is top notch and can compete with any best selling author. Go big girl….. you definitely have the talent. I was worried because it was a slow burn because that’s normally not my style, but I absolutely loved this. I’m a sucker for an age gap story. 


Hi there everyone! I hope this message finds you well! I will be releasing chapter’s of my next novel “Bound By Blood”. It is a vampire romance novel inspired by some of your favorite supernatural shows. The story is still in editing, and is not finished. Your kind responses and comments, having inspired me to pick back up this hobby.  I hope you all are doing well and are looking forward to my next little treasure trove.


reading rn yessss


Hey! I was just wondering if you had an estimated date for when you are releasing your next book? I just finished your first one and I am IN LOVE  I don’t mean to be impatient- just love your writing and can’t wait for the next one ❤️