
Y'all just ignore these updates lol I'm just putting up a story since someone requested for it.


I'm not gonna even apologize for not writing like I should
          Just know
          Hospice is still alive
          I'm just 
          Awfully lazy 


I've been... editing a lot more than writing. I apologize!
          Not that it really affects the story but I'm going to edit the ages in Hospice to their current day ages. Mostly because I forget constantly to make them younger than what they are today. I was going for the whole, "We are dying young be rebellious" cliche but they are pretty reckless today so it works. 
          Next chapter should be out tonight. I apologize for such a wait, I have been too busy!


Okay, so I really wanted to just write another story with a whole new plot... But I already said I would continue the high school one, right?
          Well I realized I can just write two at a time!
          Is this a bad idea? Yes, totally, and I should stop what I'm about to do. 
          Am I gonna continue this idea anyway? Hell yes. 
          Am I gonna be slow with updating and be super late and unmotivated? Probably but I hope I can get a decent schedule going!
          Is this actually gonna happen? Maybe but hey, who knows what is going on in my jumbled ass head.


50 followers!! Thank you so much everyone for the support <3 it means so much to me! I never thought I'd get this far, and I'm just absolutely blown away. Tysm
          Have a beautiful night everyone


@MaraJosCrdenasParra  Sadly, that idea has been dropped.  As much fun as I would have writing and drawing for it, the amount of time and motivation I would need isn't exactly easy to find hehe. Perhaps in the future, but I highly doubt it.


@ kari-is-expl0ring  !Hey,Make Your Story Of The Creatures Being The Seven Deadly Sins Soon!,!Mwahahahahahahahaa!;3


mesaj potențial jignitor
I probably should have said this earlier, but the 7 Sins story is on a super short hiatus. I just need to find the motivation and confidence and rewrite the first chapter. I've just been unhappy with how it's come out and the AU just seems iffy. The night I was going to publish, something happened and now I'm pretty nervous about posting anything since my feelings about my idea is slowly faltering into shit. I'll make sure to post whenever I'm confident and proud of my chapter c: thanks everyone for being so patient <3