
this message may be offensive
(Pt 4? Aka Shit this is long) Okay the internet literally said that genderqueer can be "Having an overlap of, or blurred lines between, gender identity and sexual orientation" close right? Am i grasping at straws? I should go to sleep.


this message may be offensive
(Pt 4? Aka Shit this is long) Okay the internet literally said that genderqueer can be "Having an overlap of, or blurred lines between, gender identity and sexual orientation" close right? Am i grasping at straws? I should go to sleep.


this message may be offensive
(This is pt 2 btw)I want to dress how I want without feeling bad about myself... I want to shop in the mens section and find some practical shirts without feeling like i have to hide myself from everyone. And im sure people will accept me eventually, but it wont ever be the same. I havent even come out as bi yet to my family i feel like i might be genderfluid? Maybe? But now i just think im blurring lines.... Am i attracted to guy or girls? Both. Am i a guy or a girl? Both. Idk maybe im just an idiot and im overthinking being a girl. Maybe i should just deal with being a girl for the rest of my life and live how i was born to be?? Idk. I just, i feel so.. Confused. And i guess by writing this i hope someone can help ease that confusion, but i know i have to do that myself so im screwed basically. Ill never know what i am or what i want. Wow this is long as fuck, im sorry if you read all the way through, you dont have to deal with my problems.. I do


So Im not really one to get too in depth on social media, or in real life. But i feel like no one  in my real life knows that in active on wattpad let alone what my username is. So (even though I know im kinda old news in terms of stories and such, i just want to be able to say this to myself and have proof that I went through this thought process) i think Im transgender. I dont really feel the need to go through hormonal treatments or surgery or anything, is that weird? I think im a trans guy. I have female genitals and im fine with them, I have friends that are girlfriends to me, but i still feel like a guy?? Somehow? And this has NOTHING to do with my sexuality at all. Ive never said these thoughts to anyone before, and i dont feel like im validated enough to do so... If this were evidence in a court of law, i wouldnt be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that i identify as a man you know? I just  it... And its hard to explain feelings because everybody has their own outlook and experiences that are trapped in your brain and I just cant explain it but I feel like a guy. 


Hai!! It's me! Shoey4EVAR! I came to say hi and that I made a new account! I was hip wing we could get back into talking! ^^


Okay.. Thanks for letting me know.. Sorry, haven't been on in a while.. :)


Hoping* Jesus..


@Unconvincing_Name You're welcome, and thank you for the encouragement! I'm going to try my best to stick with Shoey until my story's done, but I've been writing and reading a lot of other stuff recently. Anyway, you have a nice life too. Hopefully you'll find something else you enjoy as much as you used to enjoy Wattpad. :)