
Hey guys, Idk if I should republish my book (udhehdgshwh its weird :> ) But I'm going to. I don't really know if it's the best Choice right now but I kinda want to. I'm not on wattpad as much as I used to be but I'll try to catch up on lost time.


Hey guys, Idk if I should republish my book (udhehdgshwh its weird :> ) But I'm going to. I don't really know if it's the best Choice right now but I kinda want to. I'm not on wattpad as much as I used to be but I'll try to catch up on lost time.


@Its_Ur_Ranch what happened to all the chapters In the "Your Mine" countryhuman book?


Okay so I haven't been on wattpad in a little while and I just heard about the raid??? I dont know if i should be scared or not.. but maybe some of you could suggest to me on what to do? Idk


@Its_Ur_Ranch Okay thank you! And I think my profile would be good to keep.. idk 


@Its_Ur_Ranch  It's probably a hoax but just to be safe unpublished and ch books and change you're account to someone non ch like or something. 
            Mostly I think this is  a hoax so I will still have a ch profile.


oml guyyyysss!! im so freakin sorry for not updating my weird book! i forgot i had wattpad XD im dearly sorry! also my phone was taken away o-o so im on my computer and i have to constantly hide it or my father will take it away too so its gonna be a little hard for me to work on my story


          IM DYING HHHHHH...
          Oof no not really I’m just being a lazy bum right now and I don’t wanna work on another’s chapter to my weird book but I’m gonna cuz yes and cuz....cuz...uh...it’s a good ship okay?... XD


          I stayed up all night...
          I feel like I’m on drugs XD
          I want to eat a cookie now XD
          Lmao what is wrong with me these past few days? XD
          Does anyone else do this sometimes or is it just me thinking I’m high or something? XD


@Communist_Squirrel Go eat some pancakes with maple syrup.