
Thanks again for your continued support! Sorry its taking so long to update. I write as often as i can but my day job as a Veterinarian takes a fair bit of time!! I promise an update soon. :)


@InaraRose No problem! Great work such as yours requires some time, don't worry about the updates. And OMG YOU'RE A VETERINARIAN?! THAT'S LITERALLY MY DREAM JOB!


Thanks Sparkly for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet  into your reading list. That comes over a little strange I guess thanking your for such a small act, but as new authors continue to get a real sense of joy every time someone discovers our work. Please enjoy the book
           Hugs RK+Reb


uni-llamas that would be cool.


@The-Scrivener No problem! I can see that you are a very dedicated writer and most likely a very amazing person to have as a friend. Tbh I am the strangest thing to myself and everyone else, so pretty much nothing phases me ( idk if that is the correct word to use in this instance) except people denying the existence of Unicorns and unicorn-llama-hybrids