
Lei Falls is back! We're back to Aria's POV here, and Camden's a bit more involved. A little more about Lei Falls in general, and we get a character backstory reveal. 
          	Let me know what you think!


Don’t know if the story shows it or not, but chapter 35 is the last chapter of CVTHSA. Thank you for following along on the journey!


Also, as fun as the original reveal scene was to write, I'm going to change it a bit. Stay tuned!


Going to go back and edit old chapters for grammar clarity. I wrote chapters on my phone and my laptop so there's some really weird spacing.


I know this has nothing to do with my works, but quick thoughts on Manifest:
          I thought Jared and Michaela were cute at first, but seriously, Jared forgets he's married. To Michaela's BEST FRIEND. They love each other, sure, but there's a huge factor that should seriously keep them apart. Like wait for the relationship to die natural for a while before you get with each other.


In updating relations:
          The Kippens will be wrapped up before the Andi Mack hiatus ends
          Cyrus v. the Homosapien Agenda is going to be ongoing. I'll probably post more after I finish The Kippens. It won't tie too much into the ongoing plot of Andi Mack since it's sort of crossovering with Simon v. the Homosapien Agenda.
          The Lemonade Club is something I was super excited about before, but I'm slowly not as interested. If you read it, please let me know if you want to see more!
          Lei Falls is my dip into publishing my own fictional stories. I've got several things planned out for it, but I probably won't update again until January once I finish The Kippens.
          Girl Meets Real life: GMW Season 4 was actually my very first story on Wattpad. Like with The Lemonade Club, I'll post more if anyone expresses interest.