
this message may be offensive
Am I the only one that's sick of the slutshaming in some of these books?
          	 If anyone other than the main character looks at their significant other then they are automatically seen as sluts, whores, etc.. Especially if that person is a women.
          	I get it if they know that the person is in a relationship and they still flirt. (I don't think it's necessary to slut shame even then. Because it problem isn't them sleeping around, it's then trying it with a taken man.) But  when the character doesn't know, OR when the people aren't even together yet, there's absolutely no reason to call them names and be a fucking dick. They didn't do anything. 
          	It just makes the character unlikeable. Them being mean to someone about something the person wasn't even aware was happening. It makes me itch, I've started to just abandon good books when the character does that consistently. It makes it really hard to read and enjoy. 
          	I can remember at most 30 books (out of the 100's I've read). Where a character flirted with a main character and wasn't slut shamed. It's usually just when women do it too. When a gay man does it is jealousy for a hot minute and then they are fine. Hell you can learn that the man cheated on a main character and still they won't get slut shamed. But let a women cheat. Then it's only slut shaming for years. 
          	And don't even get me started on the need some of y'all have on needing to make female "villains" bitchy people who sleep around a lot but somehow are delusioned into thinking they are meant for a main character. It's messy and weird. 
          	Sorry this is long but also I'm not really that sorry. So have a nice night/day


i agree with every single word that you wrote


this message may be offensive
Am I the only one that's sick of the slutshaming in some of these books?
           If anyone other than the main character looks at their significant other then they are automatically seen as sluts, whores, etc.. Especially if that person is a women.
          I get it if they know that the person is in a relationship and they still flirt. (I don't think it's necessary to slut shame even then. Because it problem isn't them sleeping around, it's then trying it with a taken man.) But  when the character doesn't know, OR when the people aren't even together yet, there's absolutely no reason to call them names and be a fucking dick. They didn't do anything. 
          It just makes the character unlikeable. Them being mean to someone about something the person wasn't even aware was happening. It makes me itch, I've started to just abandon good books when the character does that consistently. It makes it really hard to read and enjoy. 
          I can remember at most 30 books (out of the 100's I've read). Where a character flirted with a main character and wasn't slut shamed. It's usually just when women do it too. When a gay man does it is jealousy for a hot minute and then they are fine. Hell you can learn that the man cheated on a main character and still they won't get slut shamed. But let a women cheat. Then it's only slut shaming for years. 
          And don't even get me started on the need some of y'all have on needing to make female "villains" bitchy people who sleep around a lot but somehow are delusioned into thinking they are meant for a main character. It's messy and weird. 
          Sorry this is long but also I'm not really that sorry. So have a nice night/day


i agree with every single word that you wrote


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I find it really confusing when an author has a series with 5 or more books in it and there's only 2 POC. And they are always Mixed, Hispanic, or Asian. They always only have very little to do with plot. If they are important they important it is as the main characters best friend. And they lean Heavily on stereotypes. 
          Like where is the colour? Is there only white people where your character lives? And if so can you explain that? Its come to the point that I get excited when I hear a main character is TAN. Where is the flavor!?! 
          Making a character a POC will literally change not a damn thing. I would like to see one twink with Dark Skin. Or one Asian top. Get creative with your shit.