
So I’m currently stuck  I think I’m gonna take a break for a couple of months and start reading again to like build up more inspiration. I might write more poems idk. But yeah I’m done editing and everything for now. I edited the entire story a couple of days ago and changed up a few things so you might wanna go back and read through it again to check it out.


So I’m currently stuck  I think I’m gonna take a break for a couple of months and start reading again to like build up more inspiration. I might write more poems idk. But yeah I’m done editing and everything for now. I edited the entire story a couple of days ago and changed up a few things so you might wanna go back and read through it again to check it out.


Leaving the 18 chapters in Chasing Demons alone for now. I'll come back to them in a few months and edit them some more. In the meantime, I'll be writing in my google docs.
          But be sure to let me know how you like it! And if you have any advice please share. I'd love to become a better writer and to make this story better.