
Hello! Taking advantage of some free time, I cranked this weird, random thing out...
          	The name very fittingly describes my mood at the time. lol
          	First story part since 2021 -- LET'S GO.


Wassup. She's back.
          You heard it.
          Who's ready for me to start writing again? 


Hullo. <3 


@ UnworthyLegolasLover O.M.G! You are back! 


          So,this girl needs a break,k?
          I am planning on leaving Wattpad soon,and I just wanted to give you(all my awesome followers!!!)a heads up.
          My leave will not be permanent,but it will be awhile.
          I know!I'm not even on here at all as it is! But I need to either be on here consistently,or just take a break,which is what I'm going to do.
          I have SUCH a busy life,and (even though I LOVE writing with a passion...)I will have to put necessary commitments first.
          I will be writing all the time I am away in my piles of notebooks,and maybe when I come back I'll have a full-fledged book!
          One never knows...
          I will not specify the amount of time my leave will be,because I frankly do not know! :(
          All of you,especially those who were some of my first friends,are SO valuable to me,and it was a blessing that we "met"!!!
          I plan to do a final one-shot before I leave that will be on my "LOTR One-shot" book,so stay with me!(Yes,I will actually do it this time.lol)
          I will update,Loved Ones!!!
          Stay wonderful and inspiring.❤️❤️❤️
                                                                      -The Unworthy Legolas Lover


@IamTheNightWalker ❤️❤️❤️ And God bless you.