
Ahh, thank you for reading, adding my story to your lists, and voting on Amongst the Mist. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you read the chapters that will be uploaded soon! :)


@ CalciferCooks  You're welcome, I can't wait for the next chapter ☺️
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Halooo!!! Oke langsung to the point aja :v THANKYOU SO MUCH dah mau baca book Haikyuu saia ini ╥﹏╥ ♡ Yaya terhura sekali, semoga kamu suka sama jalan cerita yang akan Yaya buat kedepannya yaa, dan Yaya juga bakal berusaha buat bikin story nya gak bikin kamu bosen! sekali lagi arigatou gozaimasu~ ♡(´。•ㅅ•。`) 


@ Deslynxy  Hai jugaa!! Yaya tetap semangat dan jangan lupa jaga kesehatan, di tunggu cerita selanjutnya yaa! Have a nice day ~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆
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Good morning/afternoon/night fellow reader! Thank you for voting for my story, I really appreciate it <3 and have a nice day! :›


@ YoNormalOtakuGurlz  Good morning/afternoon/night too.  I really like your story, I'm waiting for the next chapter. (≧▽≦)
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