


"Veni, have you seen Val anywhere? Vel said he's being hot-headed again." Vox said as he entered the deers room without any notice. But he did have his phone out, looking straight down at it.


@V3n1_S1n \\
            "Why do you even work with that princess? That whole project is going to bring you down." He looked at him. "And I'm fine just dealing with Val."


            "I'm doing well, Charlie's little project is keeping me quite busy though." He says, crossing his legs and leaning back. "And you?"


@V3n1_S1n \\
            "Hey! No, I'm not obsessed." He scoffed as he rolled his eyes, looking away. He kept his smile, however. "I'm just curious."


[I can use my new account here wOO]
          Vox had been looking for Venison most of the day, not having the most time to do it since he'd been busy dealing with press coverage. But finally he was able to track the deer down, honestly glad to see him after the long day. "Ah Veni, there you are! I don't think I've seen you all day." He approached him now with a smile.


            [ The tiny fool xD poetry ]
            Vox was not expecting the sudden side hug, kind of malfunctioning just a moment before recomposing himself. "Oh- you got to meet the head honcho himself? That's pretty... intense. And you already got on his bad side!" He laughed a little, putting his arm around Veni in turn. "And of course, you've been helping out so much around there. You're practically the brains of the operation!" He agreed, always more than happy to boost his partner's ego.


            "Ah, yes well I had to stay quite a bit to meet her father." He huffed, rolling his eyes. "The tiny fool seemed to hate me." He pulled Vox into a tight side hug. "Besides, I think I've been the better father for her than he has, I have been helping her while he's off.. pissing around." He sounded proud in himself, despite the disdain in his voice about Lucifer. 
            [Their equivalent to episode 5 lol]


            "Tell me about it, the place has been crawling with press all day." He sighed, honestly feeling pretty good since Veni appeared genuinely happy to see him. Normally he didn't care to know about the deer's hotel antics, and would probably regret asking, but figured Veni would appreciate his effort. "So uh what's going on at the hotel to warrant such a day? I thought it was having trouble getting off the ground."