
Hey - you are back!  Seriously, I was terrified you had left WP for good.  Thank you so much for all the edits.  It's a bit crazy, and I'll be away from WP for a couple of days, but I'll answer all the comments and do the edits once I'm back.  In the meantime, lovely to have you back!


@FromtheBar Thank you for the welcome back! UK summers are so short (6 weeks off school) that they're always busy. As it has been observed, "September 1 is the REAL Mother's Day."


Hi, thanks - I think the author and I have agreed that it's going to be "the face" for WP, since it jumps out more on the squashed screen, but if we get it out to Amazon, we are definitely going to go with the scull.  Not being able to read the title is more of a font issue (I changed the font now), and of the fact that he chose to give the book a long title (oh, well, I'm not his editor).  This guy is a pretty famous Russian fantasy author, by the way.  It's pretty cool that I get to translate him :) ... I think, anyway.


@FromtheBar Thanks for letting me know, though you needn't have done, especially as it was a decision with the author! Congrats on being asked to translate!


Thank you for the follow - most undeserved but greatly appreciated.  Actually it was @FromtheBar who "intoduced" us.  She is an amazing writer.  The new cover for her Split Game is stunning: it really captures the spirit of the story.
           I loved your story "Stoppered"  - but it is more than a magical tale with a deeper meaning, it is poetry in prose


@knoni2006 Thank you. <blush>