
Hey I have posted an update to The Adventures of The Pridelanders series where I discuss where I have been and the current state/ future of the story so go check it out


Hello everyone it has been awhile but I want to talk about the future. I am starting a second account. This account will be used for writing all things Lion King and Marvel and the second account is for original stories and other fan fiction not related to Lion King or Marvel. I am doing this because for awhile now I have put wattpad on the back burner because I am a young adult now with lots of more responsibilities like jobs and taking care of my mom with the rest of my time trying to relax after a long day this has reduced my wattpad time to be more hobby I do in free time like being and artist but that didn't stop me. Ever so often I update various stories in my drafts and published stories. I realized that most of my followers here have come for Lion King or Marvel stuff but I want to write more than that like a original novel I has been a concept in my mind for the last 6 or 7 years. So I decided on a second page. So if you want to see more of my content that isn't Lion King or Marvel check out 
          Now this doesn't mean I am done with this account will still upload here occasionally. I have been wanting to keep this a secret but for the past year or so I have been working on an original Spiderman story with my own universe. Right now I am on act 2 of 3 of the first season of that and will finish it soon hopefully. Anyway that's all I wanted to say for now have a great day.


Hello, i'm sorry to bother you but i finished your fnia story and i really liked it, i really hope you'll make the rest of the story when Bonnie and Mike will be together and live happily forever.
          That's all, again i'm sorry if i bother you.


I am a little late but thank you all for 100 subscribers. When I first started writing I didn't think anyone read my stories let alone subscribe. Now I have several stories with over 2k reads a few with 1k and a few more with hundreds. I really appreciate you all. Thank you.


To all my followers who enjoy my Kion and Kopa/Pridelanders series as well as my Forgotten son series tell me who is your favorite of my OC characters (and for people who don't know what that means basically who us your favorite character that aren't actual canon characters examples Msomi, Kajor, Snow, and Rein) There are no wrong answers


@VanillaErmine61 Also why is that character your favorite


Hi @VanillaErmine61
          I know, this is strange, but I finish to read your book "the forgotten son" part 1 and 2.
          Kopa is definitely my favorite character, I really liked how you connected Kopa to the tree of life; his new power drives me crazy (in positive sense); in your opinion how would be represented with the animation the rage of the elders?


Great job


@ VanillaErmine61  despite them wrong and the misunderstandings, in my opinion it remains a great book


@ VanillaErmine61 thank you for answered my question