
Hi. For “...a nobody who thinks it can write...” you do a pretty damn good job!
          I came across your book ‘Yautja Legacy’ and just the synopsises had me totally intrigued. I was never into AliensvsPredator when it came out the movies. Yet some how I’ve been drawn to the fanfics (especially romances) that authors write. I guess because it’s so different. At the same time, while there are many Yautja stories here Wattpad, very few authors have actually COMPLETED their stories. I truely hope you do finish yours as the storyline is so different to the usual Alien Abduction leads to love/Mates. You have a definite creative talent and skills for writing that are evident even from reading your synopsis. Your last update was a while ago (last year) but I hope you find the time, inspiration and motivation to continue writing your story to its completion. I’m super eager to read it but I wait till a book is complete so avoid the disappointment of a half finished story. 
          Best of luck with future writings. 


@SnowfakesElegance Oh thank you so much for the lovely comment. I will finish this book, that I can promise. The updates are a bit slower because I'm a uni student, so my time it's a bit limited, but I love my story and I also have been heartbroken when I find a good story unfinished, so I promise I'll finish mine. Hope you love it as well as I do.


Oops, sorry I for some reason read your last update as Feb 2022 when it’s 2023! But everything else I wrote I honestly mean, you’ve got talent! And I’ll be saving your book to my library so I can dive in when it’s complete!