
So I'm thinking of getting back to writing Don't Just Say It; You Should Sing My Name... but if no one wants it, I certainly won't do it haha....


Are you going to finish the king of assholes? Please,? 


@NickyBVBLover I really hope to!! My life has been incredibly chaotic recently, so I haven't updated anything in a while... And I'm also trying to finish some that are closer to completion first. I'm really bad about not finishing things I start... I'm sorry to keep you and everyone else waiting!!


Okay, I know I've majorly been slacking, but I've been dealing with my parents getting a divorce, parenting my siblings, and working on my portfolio to get into art school. BUT!! I will be on a plane for a decent chunk of time, so I hope to be able to write more for The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword. So if I don't update on Friday, I will update on Sunday the 5th (on my way home).
          Thanks for bearing with me, guys!! <3


oh yay!! :D I would totally love to be friends – talking to new people is so great! Feel free to message me here or privately whenever you want, I welcome you with open arms. I totally understand, I love every fan of any band unless they give me a reason not to (I unfortunately deal with it a fair amount, so I know how it is). Thanks for reaching out!!


I was gonna comment it on the Alex story but I hit send to soon and didn't feel like posting two so I just came here, but I just wanted to tell you how a good a writer you really are and to keep it up. Everytime I get sick of writing my own stories or get stuck I just come read a chapter of something of yours and it all starts flowing again. So keep writing, because it keeps me writing.<3


Aww, wow. I don't even know what to say other than wow and thank you SO much! It honestly means the world to me that you think I'm a good writer and that you enjoy my stories. It is absolutely so humbling and amazing to know that my stories keep you writing. <3 That's more than I could ever hope to do for anyone! <3 (and I'll try to update more often, too ;) Things are CRAZY here).
            So you, thank you sooooo much!! You're a wonderful writer, too – one of my favourites, and in all actuality, your writing gives me a good break from my own. So thank you for that <3


"My Fairytale Wedding" is now COMPLETED. No more chapters will come. There was an epilogue. I hope it's all satisfactory!!! If you want more Pierce The Veil (with a sliver of Jaime), check out my story "Don't Just Say It; You Should Sing My Name"! <3 Thank you for all of the support!! I love you guys SO much, and I wouldn't have completed MFW if it wasn't for you!!
          I think the next story I will try to complete is DJSI;YSSMN. Then I will try to finish "The King of Assholes is My Step-Brother?!" After that, I don't know what I'll do. I may start a new one after that. But that's my plan so far. THANK YOU ALL for your patience. <3


Okay, everyone!!! Chapter 17 of My Fairytale Wedding is up!!!!! Sorry it took so long; things have been CRAZY! Anyway, if you like love stories, Pierce The Veil, Jaime Preciado, or my story Don't Just Say It; You Should Sing My Name, PLEASE check this story out!!! If you like PTV, Vic Fuentes, and MFW, but have NOT checked out DJSI;YSSMN, PLEASE check it out!!! It's about love, PTV, Vic Fuentes, and it's a bit of a mystery and suspense story! Thank you guys SO much for sticking with me through this!! Please vote, comment, fan, anything!!! I love you all <3