


The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was very important and crucial to everything as during the times of the 1920s the U.S market itself actually was benefiting and profiting by immense numbers and statistics, making this inevitable crash worse than what it would’ve been, if things weren’t skyrocketing up the board.
          Now stocks and their prices rose to levels that weren’t reached before, and because of this the general idea and practice of investing in stocks rose to an intense beneficial level that created some cause of worry, but overall was greeted with happiness as individuals are making good wealth; leaving it to be seen as a very easy and very quick way of making money. Due to this common people spent a considerable amount of their average disposable income and some even went to mortgage their house to purchase stock and try to increase the value of what they doubled down with. As stated, before the Stock Market Crash there wouldn’t been as big of a concern had it not been due to the popularity of stocks because at the end of the decade (1928) there were up to hundreds of millions of shares that were being carried on a margin, making the purchase price being made with loans in order to then have profits be repaid with an ever-increasing share price then came the dreadful decline that started in October 1929. Once this decline began millions of the already overextended shareholders started to panic and irrationally rushed themselves to liquidate their current holdings, however as they thought this to be benefiting themselves it instead increased the decline and cause panic to be more common spread leaving individuals to follow in the same footsteps, and come September and November these stock prices fell 33% (an incredibly dangerous %) and because of this drop it causes a problem of confidence in the current economy among the consumers however worse it was also spread among the businesses as well.


this message may be offensive
Bitch if you ever speak time again wit yo ugly ducklings fuck head ass bitch, Stfu you sad ass bitch take yo fuck head as back to the weird ass ERP you came from you fuck head ass bitch,  Listen here you cringe ass cringe ass dick sucking annoying ugly ass dmsp fan, your probably dream sexual☠️ so take your cow built ass back to the farm house you came from- LIKE TF?? BRO YOU CANT BE TALKING SHIT YOU PROBABLY WANNA SUCK SOME DREAM DICK- BITCH YOU PROBABLY SHIP DNF YOU WEIRD ASS FUCK HEAD☠️☠️ BRO GO KYS WEIRD ASS BITCH, LIKE FR- BRO YOUR NOT FUNNY, NOT CUTE, NOT LOVED, LIKE BRO GO KYS WEIRD ASS BITCH- GO SUCK DREAMS DICK☠️☠️☠️ STUPID WIRED ASS HOE☠️☠️. This Cookie Monster fat ass white Caucasian discord mod need to go get his
          obese ass on. he so obese that when he gets out of the bed his whole body sweat
          shoes. You look like you suck dick for a living and swear that you’re not gay.
          Lookin like dreams face reveal ☠️ you long neck braided bootyhole Ronald
          McDonald clown lookin ass. take yo “extra cheese”, smelling like onions and ass
          nigga. now you so quiet that you got found.