
Hey everyone! So lately my writers block has been horrible. Any ideas are appreciated and if you'd like to adopt one of my works, dm me. Thank you for the understanding! 


Hi I love your book my love for you the sailor moon fan fiction it’s amazing and keep your hard work going!


@Sailorserenity12 thank you! All my writing on Wattpad has been on indefinite Hiatus until further notice because for the most part I've lost inspiration for things so if anyone has ideas or would like to take up some of my works DM me


4 anyone following me here on Wattpad who has a Tik-Tok account Please be aware there are some nasty users on there who just sit and Report other people's videos and it's Wrecking the app for everyone. So please if you're on Tik Tok  and you see these bully accounts please report them and get them shut down or at least under review. I mean, I just post little rants and lip sync videos on there and one of the videos I made about two other users and their real life ship name isn't up anymore since it got reported and that ticks me off. Sorry for the rant I'm just really angry. Again please if you're on Tik Tok please be safe and don't spread the trash on your side of the street, you see those bully accounts please report them and do your part in cleaning up this issue on Tik Tok


So I've now started in shock wave therapy. Kind of like massage therapy but with a tool that looks kind of like a gun with a closed Barrel. Imagine the rounded end of a pen pounding into your skin really hard 15 times per second and that basically is what Shockwave therapy is. I've got damaged muscle tissue in my neck and shoulders plus scar tissue in my leg so this should really help. Wish me luck guys!


@VeronicaBoire is it helping though? Now that you've been at it a while?


@Sunhorse99 well you know what they say, grin and bear it


@VeronicaBoire oh I’ve had worse imagery in my mind, but maybe a little, Yeah.


Guess what everyone? I now have Wi-Fi! And you know what that means..... UPDATES!!!


@VeronicaBoire i just haven't seen or watched any or read any. But I have read Warriors cat manga.


@Strikestar18 anime and manga are kind of acquired tastes


@VeronicaBoire oh ok! I haven't seen or read any of them though.