
Hi! I know it’s been a loooooong time since I’ve posted anything, and I know I know The lost Jedi hasn’t been going anywhere,  and please except my deepest apology for that… so Long story short there were too many plot holes in the original, so the story is being rewritten. I don’t know if I’m gonna start working on it soon. it might be a long time till I do but I’ve come up with a more interesting story for Amelia and a lot of things are going to change. 
          	For now the first two chapters of the lost Jedi are staying up until I finally decide to get started on rewriting it


Hi! I know it’s been a loooooong time since I’ve posted anything, and I know I know The lost Jedi hasn’t been going anywhere,  and please except my deepest apology for that… so Long story short there were too many plot holes in the original, so the story is being rewritten. I don’t know if I’m gonna start working on it soon. it might be a long time till I do but I’ve come up with a more interesting story for Amelia and a lot of things are going to change. 
          For now the first two chapters of the lost Jedi are staying up until I finally decide to get started on rewriting it


LOL  my Star Wars story is at 66 reads.


@WrittenOnOurHearts I just hope no clones try and hunt me down, not that I’m a Jedi or anything...... *nervously sweats*


So I started kind of getting into poetry. I don’t know if I’m gonna be writing anymore but this was for a school assignment and I thought I would share what I wrote with y’all!


@VickyTheLegend I read it earlier today and it was AMAZING!


Spoiler warning for the lost Jedi!
          OK y’all I need some help, so I’m working on chapter 3 and I’ve designed this one character which is a imperial droid that’s used for combat, and I need to figure out a name for him. which is where you all come in! I need you to suggest some simple yet cheesy names.
          Think of his personality as that one schoolteacher that everybody hated because of how rude and impatient they were.


@VickyTheLegend The Burbinator. Or, Mr. Smelly. Or, Lance the Turtle.
            Jk, no. THOSE WERE ALL JOKES. 
            For my real, serious answer (kind of), let's go with "I.A.N." Irresponsible Angry Nuisance.


✨Why hello✨
          This person wanted to stop by to tell you:
          ♥️Your amazing 
          ❤️Your enough 
          ♥️Your beautiful 
          ❤️I love you (platonically)
          ♥️Your the best




Why thank you kind person! 
            And I would also like to tell you:
             you’re sweet!
             you are a go-getter!
             you are awesome!
             you have a beautiful light of Christ!
             you are a true friend!
             you are enough!
             you are gorgeous!
            you have a lovely personality!
            You are never alone!
            you are a queen!
            you are a legend!
            AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT!


Hii hii
          I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude, well but if i do, feel free to delete this n ignore me n u'll immediately be obliviated ✧
          if u like fantasy typed stories, maybe you can check out 'Raeliana Adfrenssa' by melifluousgelatoo I'm a fan and I think she deserves more support, so maybe u can read, vote n maybe comment n follow her? 
          here's where u can find it or in my reading list
          I hope its not too much to ask
          thank you very much and I hope u have a nice dayy, if not? 
          then just remember that you're the main character in your own story and yk the story is never fun if the mc didn't have any hardships, so good luck on overcoming it, I'm sure your story will be a good one
          stay safe ❤️


❤️Hey you yes you reading this! 
          I just want to let you know that you are beautiful, sweet, confident and amazing at being you. LIKE HOW ARE YOU SO PERFECT? ✨ I also want to remind you that you deserve all the love and happiness in the world! If no one has told you yet, then let me be the first one to say that you matter. You are worth it, and you deserve the best in life and many more. I hope you have passions in life that makes you feel so alive and that makes you want to chase your goals and dreams, and no matter what your dreams are don't let anyone tell you otherwise! I believe in you that you'll be able to achieve your dreams no matter how big or small it is! If you're currently facing any problems in life, you have to remember to never give up, life is too short to be sad. So keep on smiling Queen & don't let your crown fall ✨ I'll always be here if you ever need a friend! And remember, you are beautiful inside and out, so shine like a star! ❤️
          (this is not mine. IDK Who made it first)
          love Makayla


Even if that wasn’t your original text


Awwwww thank you so much! You have a true gift of making people feel special don’t lose that gift and keep shining your beautiful light!


Hey, y'all! chapter 2 of The Lost Jedi is finally out!
          also I’d like to give a special thanks to my cousin again for giving me tips and helping with the editing please be sure to go follow @WrittenOnOurHearts
          also for chapter 3 I’m really gonna try to take my time with it because there’s gonna be quite a big change in it and I want to make sure that I make it even more interesting than the chapters that have been published.


@VickyTheLegend I loved reading chapter two! 'Twas a page turner. Loved the emotion. I can't wait to see where you go with chapter three, no matter how long it takes you to come out with it.
            Thank you for the shout-out! I'm so happy that you're including me in the process!