
Let's try this again
          	Hey guys!
          	I know that I haven't updated neither of my books for like ages! (2-5 weeks, depending on the individual books)
          	But I promise that I am working on it.
          	It's because I got summer break (Yet not) and got a thousand things on my plate, especially next week where I am going to play handball all week but I'll try to get some chapter up soon❤️
          	Love Victoria❤️
          	Ps: Are you guys going to watch the EM finale? If so, who are you cheering on? #FranceVSPortugal #CheeringOnFrance


Let's try this again
          Hey guys!
          I know that I haven't updated neither of my books for like ages! (2-5 weeks, depending on the individual books)
          But I promise that I am working on it.
          It's because I got summer break (Yet not) and got a thousand things on my plate, especially next week where I am going to play handball all week but I'll try to get some chapter up soon❤️
          Love Victoria❤️
          Ps: Are you guys going to watch the EM finale? If so, who are you cheering on? #FranceVSPortugal #CheeringOnFrance


I just posted the newest of the 'change' series; 'One change'. Hopefully you guys will enjoy this book as well.
          Notice!!: This doesn't mean that 'The change' is finished as 'One change' has a different story line as it goes after season one (But it isn't a prequel of 'The change', it's weird, I know..) and so on while 'The change' is on season 6. 
          This won't change the updating schedule either (I don't really have a schedule but like an average at 1-3 a week?) 
          Love Victoria


The sequel to 'A change - Violetta/The Vampire Diaries' are up! Go read the first chapter now! I will update as soon as I can. Once again, thanks for reading the first book. I hope just as many people will show interest in this one. 
          Love Victoria❤️


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated either of my books for about a week but I promise that I will update soon!❤️
          And major thing about 'A change';
          There's only 2 chapters left before I publish a sequel that will come in a few days.❤️ 
          Love you guys!
          Love Victoria.