
Hello my beautiful followers. I was wondering what questions you have about my work, or how I do things, Or about me. Let's do a q and a to learn more about each other. 


I want to personally thank all of my followers! Thank you for following me even if I don't post parts of stories or sometimes not finish them. I promise I will finish them. Bare with me I am a college student working on a 3d animation degree. Thank you for following and remember keep reading you never know where the rabbit hole will lead you. 


I loved the king and the nymph :( And Old vs. New tho, I did not understand some parts non the less, I admire your style 3> 


@yory93 well gods can kill other gods.


Ok ok I shall read the rest. I mean first chapter  of New vs. Old is it a flashback or a dream ? I commented on the chapter. And I am a little confused how king of the underworld dies ! It was so easy and unpredictable :/ Thank you :) 


@yory93 then "ones in the dark" I'm sure those two stories will clear up some things but feel free to ask whenever you're confused 