
I’m very sorry if y’all are waiting for the next chapter. Things are being really tough and I’m trying to juggle passing exams to keeping my friends together with me even if they’re toxic, and trying to ignore bullies from my class. I’m so very sorry I’m just trying to heal myself a bit before I continue. I hope you all could understand. And I really hope I don’t sound fake to you. I’m sorry again.. 


@VioletEverbloom You don't have to apologize for something like this and I hope your okay and get better soon.


I’m very sorry if y’all are waiting for the next chapter. Things are being really tough and I’m trying to juggle passing exams to keeping my friends together with me even if they’re toxic, and trying to ignore bullies from my class. I’m so very sorry I’m just trying to heal myself a bit before I continue. I hope you all could understand. And I really hope I don’t sound fake to you. I’m sorry again.. 


@VioletEverbloom You don't have to apologize for something like this and I hope your okay and get better soon.


It’s really dead in here
          N e wayzzzz at what age did y’all start working? Today’s my first day and I’m scared asf— 
          Someone give me encouragement please I’mfilledwithanxiety—


You too! Hope you have a great day!


@QueenOfAus2007 | very late to this. But I started when I was 13 ^^ though good luck with work ^^