
Made a tnmn story
          	Just a short prologue ig


Yo yo ik im dead but Im still alive
          Brain just not functioning lol
          Anyway, about the trending cow guy who may or may not be our neighbor. Yes cow guy or cowboy (somebody draw milkman in a cowboy outfit >:D) 
          Continuing, story idea, mc is also a doppelganger and was lucky enough to get in the building because of doorman who haven't figured that mc is a dopple aaaannndddd instead of taking the people's lives in the building, mc instead shapeshift into the doorman's features (which mc happen to kill or depends on ya) and takes their role as the 'new' doorman. 
          Also an additional idea, since mc is a dopple, she can easily tell if the people are really civilians or dopples
          Ha! Imagine different dopples taking the civilians inside the building and perfecting their looks and info. That building would be their some sort of base and the D.D.D. wouldn't even notice (or would they?) 
          Got inspired by that one tiktok vid I saw
          Someone tag me if y'all found some that's not my neighbor storiess


I wanna collab maybe
          Maybe it could help me back to continue writing? 


@VivioletCat9 Sorry I didn’t open this, we could do fluff or angst? Ofc just if you’d like I haven’t seen this in so long  We could do horror dust? 


@Alongthewater the thing is, I'm out of my writing side. Like- no ideas came popping out. Maybe you should first suggest what should we write? 


@VivioletCat9 Yeah no dw! I don’t mind, I’m not sure how you want to do it but you can tell me whatever way you want to do it


Seeing some people still read my stories gives me joy despite its errors and cringeness :D


@RxndomUs3r aww you just my day  I'm glad that your enjoying them ✨


            Girl i luv ur stories


Am I alive? Semi
          Am I still writing? Only a few sentences every once in a while
          When will I come back? Unanswered
          Why? BECAUSE
          COLLEGE ✨ *sparkle*
          I have an interview tomorrow ;w;


@StarNarakov IM DOING WELL :D Im about to graduateee I can't waittt :D