I am a rper with around 7-10 years of experience.
I have a lore character called 'void galaxy' who is a eldritch entity also known as "The eldritch Void if the galaxy" they are the embodiment of life, death, creation, mind and corruption.
This eldritch horror has a 500 page lore book in process with a story of "void galaxy" aka V-0001 who was a eldritch turned mortal.
I have over 25+ different void forms all drawn. These include wings of fire
Indominus rex
Custom dragon species and more

Voids also have a corrupted side what is just a liquid black version what is increasingly aggressive to all life.
Voids are a black and purple creature with a cyan blue inside. They have 3 blood colours. Black, purple and red.

All this information of lore is on fa with some more info in urban dictionary under void galaxy
  • JoinedJuly 30, 2020
