
          Hope you're doing great. 
          If you're accepting reading requests, then do checkout my new story, Fated to love. 
          Your votes and comments would be highly appreciable. 
          Thank you and sorry for taking your time. 


          I hope this message finds you well. I apologize for reaching out like this, but if you have a moment, I would be grateful if you could take a look at my book. As a new writer, your support means a great deal to me. I can assure you that the story concludes with a happy ending. While there will be conflicts, rest assured there are no misunderstandings, cheating, or other negative elements. If you do read it, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and feedback.
          Thank you, and have a wonderful day!


Hey! Hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for spamming on your wall. I'm writting an Indian Royal romance story nowadays. If you're interested into Indian stories, you can check my story. I hope you will like it :)
          Here's the link to my story:


Check this out...
          Dark romance.
          ???A Cruel immoral fall in love with Moral.
          Tapish Adyanthaya-- was a world that didn't seek light in eyes; it turned light into a blindfold, calling it a game of hide-and-seek until she entered his life. She was born into a world that made him, yet she stood far from its center.
          Sahej Luthra-- there was only one thing that set her apart from the people of her world, and that was her morals. Then one day, she encountered a person who would challenge her moral values.
          . . . . ╰──╮ꨄ︎╭──╯ . . . .
          Look at you, how you're breathing and trembling in need-craving my touch,"
          "Shut up, Tapish"
          "Then Shut me Up"
          Dark •Pleasure •Pain •Love •Romance •Action •Drama •Mystery •Suspense •Secrets •Fights 
          [ Tropes ]
          Moral Vs Immoral
          Billionaire Vs Billionaire
          Canvas Vs Crimson
          Principles Vs Desire
          Cranberry Vs Red Wine


Hey there, hope your doing good.
          Do you like rom-coms? If you do then I would love if you check out my book if time permits. Do let me know your reviews about it. 
          Also really sorry if I disturbed you in any way.
          Have a good day/night ✨ 



tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
          "You my love you fucking belong to me no one can touch you or ever spare you a look I will myself grave their death"
          "If you ever let someone touch you I will fucking spank you till your throat becomes numb by ranting my name out of your blazing tongue"
          "If you let that bitch touch you again I swear I will not let you touch me for 1 month"
          "I will fucking take those eyes out of their sockets who have audacity to ogle my man"
          Reyansh Raichand 
          Aarna Verma 
          Him ~ Bad boy to Grumpy Ruthless Businessman 
          Her ~ bubbly happy soft girl to feisty independent fiery woman
          ~Childhood Sweetheart 
          ~Grumpy X Sunshine 
          ~Love At First Sight 
          ~Dark Romance 
          ~School Budies 
          If you have time do check out my story on wattpad


          I hope you are doing well.
          Apologies for sliding into your profile, but do check out my story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          The story is complete and is more on a realistic side, which hopefully you will connect to!
