Hi guys just logged in for a sec and saw I had a bunch of messages about book covers. 
          	To anyone who is confused, I don’t make book covers anymore and I don’t have any recommendations I’m no longer active on Wattpad but I won’t delete this account because this is where I keep my old poetry, thank you! 


Hi guys just logged in for a sec and saw I had a bunch of messages about book covers. 
          To anyone who is confused, I don’t make book covers anymore and I don’t have any recommendations I’m no longer active on Wattpad but I won’t delete this account because this is where I keep my old poetry, thank you! 


Hey guys it’s been a while I almost forgot about this account so many things have change in my life some good and some bad but I just came on here because I’m going to make my account completely bare and just keep my poetry or short stories up because I don’t know how to save them properly on my device. Hope you’re all doing well or I hope you’re getting there✨


@WORLDCRY  I hope you’re doing well ✨ Sending you positive energy and hugs ♥️