
Almost done with chapter one it’s a long one for sure thanks for being patient!


Hi everyone! I just wanna day I’m so incredibly sorry for how inactive I’ve been, my phone literally broke recently and today I got a new one. I promised you guys a new start and hopefully better start to this story that means so much to me so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do! Expect the first chapter in less than 24 hours ;) 


I've come to conclusion I'm gonna restart my when the dead comes back book, I've been reading over it lately and my writing back then was so dry and seemed so unfinished. I've been writing a lot lately and tbh I feel like my writings improved so I want to be able to write and post stuff on here that makes me happy and proud but my current work on a story @jurassic_direction and I've been working on for so long it's definitely not my best and I don't feel proud of it. I want to read over something I wrote and be like I'm proud of how this turned out, so I'm gonna completely start over same characters same plot just longer chapters and more details hope you understand x


Hey I'm soooo sorry I've been so inactive the end of the year is always a stressful time for me and now that it's officially summer (even though it doesn't feel like it) I'll be more active!
          On another note I'm actually so sad it's the end of the year I'm going into high school next year and I'm actually terrified...  no not for the classes and teachers and new school but I'm terrified I might lose my friends, my 8th grade year has by far been my best year of school I've ever had grades and friends wise... I've met so many people this year who I can call my best friends, I was on the honor roll all year, and I improved so much in track. I'm generally so sad to leave. By far my favorite class was gym I literally had that class with every single one of my best friends. My lunch table was filled with them too.  I had one of my best friends in each of my classes and now it's summer... which means I won't see them everyday, I'm just scared we all will drift away. That's my biggest fear at them moment that I'll lose my best friends... I guess I only have one more thing to say, High School Here I Come?