
After watching the Flash movie, I decided to write something based on the movie's original ending. If you don't what I'm talking about, look up The Flash's original ending. It was also supposed to tie in with the Batgirl movie, before they canceled that.


          Hola @WackyWookie01 y pues, bueno, soy pues otra persona que pues sigue tu canal y vi y lei tus fanfics crossover y pues me gustaron, y pensaba que pues, me gustaría saber tu opinion sobre este fanfic mio que pues, tiene un crossover algo curioso pero bueno, me gustaría saber tu opinion y pues te mando saludos y apoyo en tus fanfics XD


When will you update dark force


@pacec425885 Updated Dark Force. Writing more.


Hii, I would REALLY love it if you checked out my very character driven avengers story set after multiverse of madness. I would also appreciate if you maybe spread the word too. It's #1 on characterstudy and It's a very heartfelt story with lots of twists and turns and emotion, it also changes the mcu forever. I put everything into this project. 


@MarvelDc_EU I just saw this message, and I will check out your stories. In the meantime, I have followed your profile.