
My apologies I accidentally released Chapter 52 of Crimson Empress before releasing Chapters 50 and 51! I just released those I'm so sorry about that!!!!


@Waffles_The_Neko Or I did apparently? I'm not sure it says I didn't publish them but they have views so I'm confused


Wen will next chapter be


@MichaelWholihan I'm working on chapters in-between life stuff but I promise I will keep them coming at least once every two weeks if not once a week


Hi I just wanted to say that your storys are amazing 


@lllll_uchiha Thank you I'm glad you enjoy them and continue to look forward to future releases!


Hi there everyone! It's Kity here again after my two year hiatus to focus on some personal things and furthering my education. I currently have a short series that I'm working on inspired by the song Knife by rerulili. I'll be posting it chapter by chapter weekly so I hope you guys can come check it out. Other than that I hope everyone's been doing well and I'll see you guys in my next post!


Hey everyone I updated the cover for Arcana Solias I know that it's pretty horrible right now but I promise that I will improve on it shortly. Just wanted to let everyone know that symbol shown there is the symbol for all of Arcana Solias! I might also post every Wednesday and Friday now!


On a note regarding the cover I have a friend working on the art so helpful it'll be done soon!