
I'm a simple person. I see 'spanking' in the tags, I read. That's just who I am. 


I'd like to thank all 69 of my followers for following me. I've been on this site the majority of my adolescence, i have finally made it! Thanks for looking at my suggestions or comments & thinking "wow, this person is cool enough to follow". I love sharing books i love with you all, (even if a lot of them are harry potter ones now). I appreciate you all & thank you once again for following this fool. :) 


this message may be offensive
          Don't argue that they were horny or some shit. Like use your fucking hand, sex toys exist, self pleasure is enough to get off on. Like, it's not an excuse. You dont NEED to have sex. You will NOT die if you don't have sex. AND why the fuck would you get married to someone who isnt your soulmate? They could never make you feel complete & that's like a known fact. STRAIGHT FAX NO PRINTER