
Just a reminder that I'll be removing my books from Wattpad at the end of the month and that they will still be available on Tapas to read for free.  I apologize again for any inconvenience and I hope you'll come to read my stories at their new home on Tapas ^_^ https://tapas.io/sarahwaterraven


@WaterRaven Sorry to see you've taken your work down over here, but I do understand. Best of luck on tapas!


@ShelbyMackay3 If you make an account on Tapas, let me know and I'll be sure to subscribe!




Just a reminder that I'll be removing my books from Wattpad at the end of the month and that they will still be available on Tapas to read for free.  I apologize again for any inconvenience and I hope you'll come to read my stories at their new home on Tapas ^_^ https://tapas.io/sarahwaterraven


@WaterRaven Sorry to see you've taken your work down over here, but I do understand. Best of luck on tapas!


@ShelbyMackay3 If you make an account on Tapas, let me know and I'll be sure to subscribe!




I am sad to announce that I am leaving Wattpad. I am moving over to Tapas full time. I will be posting all of the stories I have available here to Tapas, so you're welcome to download the app and to continue to read my stories for free there :) I apologize for any inconvenience and I hope to see you over at Tapas. There are so many great novels and comics over there, I read as much as I write there and cannot get enough of it.
          I'll be leaving my full novels up for another month or two and then removing them. For those novels unfinished here, I will continue to post the updates to Tapas. Again, they'll all be available on Tapas and I hope to see you there!
          Here's my profile on Tapas: https://tapas.io/sarahwaterraven


@tamtam778 Let me know what you think! ^_^


            Oooohhh, I'll check them out.


@tamtam778 This is a comic made from a book that did well on Tapas. I love that aspect of the platform, that if a book does well, they'll approach the author to make it into a comic! The author gets paid and gets royalties. So good. I haven't read the whole story, but so far it's interesting! https://tapas.io/episode/1222411


Hello everyone :)
          I want to sincerely apologize for my absence and lack of updates/reads and comments. My mother is very ill and going through chemo. I have been helping care for her throughout the week and while it can be a lot of work, it takes a much larger toll on me emotionally. As you can imagine, it's been hard to get into the the right head space to write and with this struggle, I have also had a difficult time staying connected.
          However, I've finally reached a place where I feel I can reconnect and push through, because despite what's happening, I need to live my life too. 
          I apologize again for my absence. I sincerely appreciate your patience and I look forward to updating my stories and reconnecting with all of you.


@DannyHorrorStories @DannyHorrorStories @DannyHorrorStories Thanks so much. It's so nice to have friends like you. Thank you!


@JimsonFlower It's great to connect again. Thank you :)


@WaterRaven I hope you can find some balance in your headspace soon. I've been through what you are going through now on more than a few occasions. If you need anything you know where to get ahold of me.


Hey everyone! I’m trying out a new set of covers for Detective Docherty and wondered what you think of this cover? Do we like? Not like? Let me know what you think! 
          It’s still technically a WIP, but any changes at this point will be minor. 
          Regardless, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 


@JimsonFlower Thank you for replying! I think I'll do a couple more mock ups and see if I can't lighten it a bit or if maybe I can add a little red somewhere else to help it pop more. Thanks again!


The Rose Awards are looking for Horror and Comedy stories. Contests are a great way to engage in the community and get reads. Check out the contest here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/174783620-the-rose-awards-open
          @quietwolves ^_^