
Hey guys, just updated chapter 5 of Delinquency Sucks! Go check it out cuz I finally updated and it's been like 4 months.... haha sorry....


Thanks for reading Silver Stilettos! ♡
          If you're enjoying the story, I hope you'll consider voting throughout the book! :)
          It means so much to writers to know that readers are enjoying their work, and it really helps the story move up in the rankings of the Hot List (essentially, the more support a story receives, the higher the story rises, and the more readers can find it!) :)
          have a blessed day! x


Hey guys! So I am sorry today, but I won't be updating Ds chapter 3 today, it's almost finished I promise I'm just really tired and it's almost midnight here and Id love to sleep a little since the past week I've been staying up till 2-3 am. So I will be updating around noon tomorrow, (Saturday the the 23rd) 
          Hope you check it out when I post it!