
          	Of course! Thank you for taking so much time to read and write thoughtful comments and for following back! :)


Hey there! Thanks for the follow, hope you love my books so don't forget to read. vote and comment for them.. :) Thanks again :))


@SyedahudaRashdi thanks for following and reading and voting as well! I'll check them out when I get a chance!


I play the piano too!(if you have read my profile!)
          I have heard that violin takes a lot of time to learn.
          Trust me, I have heard my next door violin players squeak long enough in music class!
          Best of.luck!


@MeviSM Haha, piano is great! And yeah, squeaky violins are inevitable.


I do not know what, but I seriously get impressed when someone says they have learned the violin. I must say. Wow.
           I am more a fan of Classical, Romantic.
          I would love to check out your story.


@MeviSM Haha,  violin's actually not that hard once you learn the positions. It did take me awhile to start out though, I had to hold a tissue box in replacement for the violin XD
            I feel like I enjoy piano more, even though I've only been playing around half a year.


Hello there fellow musician,
          Thank you for following me.
          I am seriously impressed you play so many instruments.
          How long have you been playing and what is your favourite era of music and musicians?
          If you do take reading suggestions, and have a thing for Fantasy, could you check out my newest book named 'Tempest'?
          Please do like and comment, and let my know your opinion.
          Can't wait to hear from you.
          -C.M Williams


@MeviSM Thank you for following me as well! 
            I've been playing violin the longest (for 8 years) and the other instruments I've picked up only recently (in the past year). I like mostly classical, romanticism, and some contemporary music, and my favorite musicians have to be Debussy, Stravinsky, Vivaldi (probably one of the only baroque musicians I genuinely enjoy), and Mahler. There's a lot more but I can't think of any right now, haha.
            Of course! I'd love to check it out when I get the chance. Would you mind reading mine as well? It's called Stepping Across the Stones. I just started it so it has a couple of plot bugs, but I'd love to here what you think. 


          Of course! Thank you for taking so much time to read and write thoughtful comments and for following back! :)


@Wenliana Haha that's...I don't even know what to say XD It's a good thing though! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it and it's okay that you were a silent reader! I appreciate those too :)
            And thank you, I hope I'm actually entered because I think there was a cut off. 
            I have two other poetry books, one is Six Lines of Sentiments (basically six-lined poems, haha) and the other is You'll Never Love Me (which is basically a story told in short poems and it's not my best work but I wanted to try it out).


@Wenliana Also, good luck in the antiwattys. I entered them too haha. 
            Time for backstory: *sorry about this too*
            I was browsing contests and came across the antiwattys. I saw your comment on if we can enter poetry or something like that and decided to check out your work. I read your ENTIRE book as a silent reader since I was offline and didn't want to come online and yeah......I was a ghost reader of yours for a while. It was chance that we met formally from the poetry buddies, huh. Strange.
            Sorry about being a silent reader, though. XD


@Wenliana Take your time. I'm in no hurry. 
             I actually really enjoyed your poetry and I just had to finish it. Are any of your other books poetry? I'd love to read them. :) Your style appeals to me (and I enjoy good poetry just like any other poet)