
Second chapter posted!


OKAY! so- I’m deleting my HTF book I have now and writing a new one. I’m unhappy with the way the one I’m writing now is going SO, I’m starting over! Again. 
          I keep forgetting to be consistent with my posts on here and by the time I get to writing the book again I get bored because there is no story to it! So I’m trying again! With, more story! I’ve actually thought about it this time!
          Thank you for reading and don’t worry, I’m still writing HTF stuff!


*sigh* I’ve come to realize nothing is getting done on this account. 
          I’m really sorry but I’m thinking on starting over. 
          1. Non of my books are getting done and the one book I have that I did get done is really crappy.
          2. I’m not all that interested in flowerfell anymore. It’ll always hold a special place in my soul but I’m currently more fixated on Happy Tree Friends and Flippy x Flaky
          3. I keep procrastinating on editing ‘Connected by a Stem’ to make it better.
          There are two ways I might start all over.
          1. Delete this account entirely and creat a new one.
          2. Keep the account and delete all the books.
          I’m sorry, and if you want to unfollow because you were only here for my Frans books, feel free to do so.


Thank you both so much for the supportive comments! It means a lot to me! ^^ I’ve decided that’ll I’ll be deleting all my old books instead of creating a new account entirely since doing that would take way too much time! I’ll be deleting the old books and starting over. Thank you so much for understanding and I’m genuinely glad y’all enjoy my writing style :)


@Whatever11112244 I get it! I really love your story's but I understand if your not interested anymore! But if you make a new account, please give everyone here a way to find it! I really want to still be able to follow you! And if you just delete the books, that's fine to! I actually watch your YouTube channel and noticed that your on there a lot more now than on here and I get that your drifting away from the Flowerfell fandom and entering the Happy tree Friends fandom, to be honest I didn't start following you for your story's, I didn't even know that you wrote story's when I first followed you!


@Whatever11112244 Honestly, You can do what you feel like. If you think starting over is whats better for you, then go for it! I think you have a great writing style, whatever your writing. Overall, do what you think is best.


My children! I have returned from my month long trip to get the milk!! Okay in all seriousness, I’m back! Sorry for leaving for so long! I’m going to write a Flippy/Fliqpy x Flaky fanfic (an AU of mine of course) y’all gonna have to wait for the cover though because I’m not feeling motivated to draw at all right now.


@Whatever11112244 hopefully the milk didn't expire 


          R u guys excited cuz I just screamed way too loud.


            Yeah! My partner just told me about!! Hella psyched! ^^


How did the conversation with your parents go earlier?
          Obviously you don't need to say if you don't want to, but I really want to know if you wanted to share!


@lavagarden K! We'll take your time and bring it up when your most comfortable then!


            They never mentioned it  they’re still calling me by my dead name and referring to me by she/her. They’re really supportive of the community so I’m kinda confused. I’m guessing they’re waiting for me to tell them myself?


I made a mistake.. I posted a video (completely forgetting my mamá watches my videos) and in the video I mentioned that I’m non-binary and pansexual (keep in mind I HAVEN'T told my folks yet!) and she just sent me a text at like midnight saying “I liked your newest video.” Now I know this is a good thing because this means she’s okay with it but like- I REALLY don’t want to talk to her about it first thing in a morning- please help..


@Whatever11112244 I dunno what time it is in the us but if you haven't had the conversation then, like @lavagarden said: your mom should will always support you so stay strong!


            Awe well thanks my friend. My mamá is really a great person, I’m just not good at all with awkward situations like this..