Obviously I am a nom de plume. Not that I get a chance to write as much as a good Nom de plume deserves...As a child writing I felt defined me better then my name or appearance ever did anyway. Those things can be rather distracting don't you think? Perceptions are made and once made hard to break even by those, especially those who are sure they know you. When writing, when reading, I am in a world where I can be me and not playing out a world of expectations, instead I can change my fundamental character on a whim. As far as likes, I love to read all forms of writing, though I feel more comfortable writing in scifi fantasy and action type genres and I occasionally delve into poetry. I have no idea what my role in this blog will be, whether I will have the courage to write my own stuff or simply enjoy all the possibilities of reading material offered here.  I am a world traveler, have never lived in one place for too long. I have lived in several states in the US, lived in and travelled through several countries in the western hemisphere and Europe. I will no doubt live in more countries before and if ever I decided to call a place home. Part of my whimsical nature perhaps... I have a surfeit of friends and family who all know a compartmented part of me, like the rest of the world. I have little desire to share this blog with them or to take off my mask to you out there living your own lives. What the heck does it tell you if I admit to liking kayaking, cooking gourmet meals or sketching random strangers while sipping bitter coffee in a café? No offence to those who do detail hobbies and interests; it is the "about me" section of a blog after all. It is just that all interests interest me, but I find a lot of the specifics of a person's "who what when and why" prejudice me as to who the authors are- their motivations and their own attributes and foibles.  I am more interested in your thoughts, your worlds and your dreams. I plan to live in them a little after all.
  • always on the move
  • Đã tham giaMay 12, 2013

Đang theo dõi

Truyện của Whimsy
Digging graves bởi Whimsywins
Digging graves
Damn, I gotta write a description, like a synopsis or some shit? Really? This is supposed to be therapy; who...
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